....of these damn credit bureaus, and their damn scores, and their damn lies (dammit)....I disputed--yet again--a 60 day late student loan on EQ--came back verified (after it was deleted--and then reinserted WITHOUT notification); also, I disputed the Conseco--the one that says "unknown" this and "prior paying history 30 days late 00, 60 day 00, 90 day zero....etc...." ...so here my FICO sits at 660--puhleeze--I've been @ 701, 624, 658, 692---hell, there ain't been a score I haven't had in the last 12 months---so I get a 0% BT til 3/03 offer from AT&T Universal--thinking "yeah, that's the ticket, that's a good deal" (which, it really is)....will I apply? NOT. (I've been tricked by Citibank before). Anything negative on any student loan is due to fall off the cliff once and for all in November and December of this year---oooohhhh, and what will my score be then? 620? 597? 789? Who the hell knows... My only consolation is that I really don't need any new credit right now (God knows, with all the new cards), won't be buying a car this year (that I know of)....will continue to pay down debt (which really isn't a whole lot anyway)....AND, not funnel another damn red dime to Equifax.com, just because I'm curious---which makes me wonder if there's a correlation between the number of ScorePowers you purchase, and the seemingly unnatural elasticity of my FICO score--there's a Dateline investigation waiting to happen.... In other words--I'm on the wagon--for now--- Sorry for the rant. Cheers, David
I completely understand- two months ago my TU score was 569- disputed and removed a few old accounts, now my score is 476...Helllllo- I think this thing is going in the wrong direction folks. Go figure!
I think that could be a part of it...seeing as how I was at 498 with TU when I started and had 11 derogs removed and only had a 20 point increase. Nothing else has really changed since I started. It was up to mid 500's, but got back a report today with another derog removed and its back to 518 :::sigh::: L
Is it just me, or does it seem like TU is the worst offender here? It seems like everyones TU score goes up and down arbitrarily.
I've said it before, the TU score is completely inaccurate. They provide the score to make us happy, but their formula for calculating scores has serious problems. I don't concern myself with what the TU score is. With the same info on all 3 of my reports, my Equifax and Experian are fairly close, but the TU score is off by a mile. It is a joke.
And I thought it was just me. I hate TU!! There score will not budge an inch and if anything it keeps going lower after I get negative information removed. And you are right it does seem like TU, holds grudges against those who fight back to clean their credit reports. After disputing a paid off Ford Credit account, that was showing incorrectly, not only did they not correct the late payments but they changed the status from Paid as Agreed (I0) to 60 days past due (I3). WTF!! And they refused to reinvestigate it and of course my score dropped even more. I had to raise hell at Ford Credit and get them to fax a letter to Transunion to update it. I called Transunion on Wednesday and they swore up and down they had corrected the late payments and the 60 days past due based on Ford's letter. Well I got the updated report yesterday and yes they had removed the 60 days past due status but they still had not corrected the number of late payments. So here we go again!! And of course TU is the credit report that everyone pulls in Chicago!
Oh, funny thing...you guys remember that JCP issue I had? Well, TU verified it on a report I received back Feb. 17 and my score was 518. I received another report on Feb. 19 where it was deleted (must have been where I faxed them the delete letter from GE Card Services) and my score was STILL 518! And that was the one that was notated that it was included in bk. Go figure! L