I received my first dispute results back from Equifax today. One collections account deleted but 2 credit card charge offs verified. I also disputed one inquiry, they made no mention of it but it still remains on my report. Besides the 2 charge offs the only other things on my report are 3 satisfied judgments(medical bills) and 2 which do not state satisfied and may or may not be paid(medical bills) I really do not remember. What should I go after next? The charge offs again or work on doing something about the judgments?
judgements really hurt your scores, so i would advise disputing them first. Especially if they are paid. If you dispute them and they verify them "as is" you can send procedure request... set them up for lawsuit on violations. I had three judgements, and they only one that remains on eq and tu is paid. The others were deleted by simple disputes.
I have one small paid judgement that has been verified by EX twice. Would a procedural dispute work? If so, what is this?
send them a letter asking for procedures used to verify the account. there is a letter posted in the sample letters section, however i use one that was originally posted by breeze.... it ask specifically if the account was verified in writing, where did you send it and who responded? if it was verifed by phone, what number did you call and who did you talk to. I did it this way because i did not want to get the generic ( we contact ..... ) letter. i am waiting for responses now, if they do not change i will begin lawsuit , starting with experian. It makes me so mad, because it has been paid since 1999 but doesn't show and hasn't been deleted.
No one has any advice on getting paid judgments removed? What methods have people used in the past? Incidently, yes they are mine.
I had judgments that were paid but weren't showing pd. I found out that in my state (Az) judgments expire after 5 years, unless they are renewed. So, since they weren't showing as paid, I disputed them as "expired - please delete". And they were all deleted. Check your state laws on judgments. If it works in a similar way, you may not have too much trouble getting them removed, IF, they are expired. If they are fairly new, I would just dispute as "inaccurate info - please delete". The FCRA says that any info reported must be 100% correct. So, if it's not correctly reported, it needs to be corrected or deleted.
I'm considering disputing as not mine, though they are. I assume that the cra will check with the courthouse, does anyone know if they check with the circuit clerk or the county clerk? If it's the county clerk then there may be a particular time of year when it's better to dispute. Such as property tax time when the clerk's office is busy preparing thousands of tax bills.
i got the paid one removed from my dh report by disputing as "not mine" but for someone reason they came back verified on my reports I asked the court clerk how they verified and she said they sent in dispute form sometimes. I believe that most of them verify electronically which is why they ended up getting verifeid because the system will match that a judgment is in the system, but not show updates status. so simple answer is dispute as not mine or not accurate. In my county, it is very difficult to vacate a judgement because of procedures and time limits, so that was not an option for me.