I have a question. It isnt about credit. It is related to my business. I really wish some of you kinds folks would help me out with another marketing question. If you have been to the dentist recently (sorry for all the dental related questions but that's my JOB), what did you like most about the office. What would be MOST important to you about a dental office. I know the obvious answer, no pain and nice serious. But what you impress you the most if you at an office. Would it be nice operatories or patient chairs and countertops or New technology like digital xrays and intraoral cameras on computer monitors. Or would that not really matter to you that much. Would you prefer a very low price w/ good service. Please help. I am making my purchases now. I want to get what is sensible. Thank you. roni
Well....since you asked. I am a nurse and take clients to appointments all day long some days. We go to dentists, doctors and specialists. I spend ALOT of time in waiting rooms. I personally am impressed when there is decent reading. Something besides Sports Illustrated and Better Home and Gardens. I enjoy people, reader's digest or a local newspaper even. I also just like to see things neat and clean. I'm not too worried about having the most expensive chairs or xray equipment (if it performs the same). But I am very into things being clean. I prefer lower prices with not as much technology if you will, but that's because my dental insurance SUX!!
Thanks Christi. Dont worry. I plan for my waiting area to be very pleasant. That 's a guarantee. Dont you will see sports illustated in my waiting room. More like cosmo or mademoisellle....lol. For sure Essence. Anyways. Thanks. I am trying to keep cost down at least initally so I will hold off on the intraoral cameras and digital xrays.....
WEll... I'd say I agree with Christi on the room. If the front room isn't clean I'm not going back and having someone mess in my mouth... That aside, I must say I'd appreciate 2 things the most (and I've been in Dr's offices lots lately). 1. If I have an appt, be respectful that I've taken time off work to come there. Keep on schedule as much as possible. I hate that most doctors think our time isn't worth anything but they'll charge us if we miss an appt... double std. 2. I have 1 doctor who actually gives a hoot how I'm doing... and an orthopedist who makes me feel like I'm at a Jiffy Lube place (I wait and wait, but my actual appt is rushed and he seems distracted always). When I find a doctor, of any type, who cares about me, takes the time to discuss my options and my care, and is reasonable in fees... then I'm coming back. I understand you're buying furniture but I thought I'd also put my .02. As to the furniture, nice but not overly done... Otherwise I'd feel like I must be paying an arm and a leg just to furnish the place
Child friendly!!! Seriously...my three year old loves to play with the models of teeth, lamps, potted plants...Sonic toothbrushes left out as demos...everything she can reach! If you don't want a three year old playing with it, don't put it in the waiting room...lol. Children start getting checkups and cleanings by 2 or 3 and these kids are going to grow up and bring their own children to the dentist somewhere (at least we hope they will), so to me, with the exception of a friendly staff and ZERO PAIN and lots of experience with dentist anxiety suffered by those of us who started going to the dentist in the late 60's or before...a child friendly environment is most important to me. Hope this helps! Wish you were here...I would bring you six new clients...heehee. Laura
WEll, thanks for your time Marie. I try to stay on schedule as much as possible. Question. I plan to put TV's in each room. Is that a good idea or a turnoff.
Thanks Laura. I would do coloring books but I have seen some parents let there children write on the walls. No displays in the waiting area except educational material and magazines. Plants? plastic. My office that I work in part time now has display items in a glass case. I will probably do that now.
Oh...no crayons...lol! I just repainted my whole house because of my budding artist and here it is two months later and her room already needs a touching up. I can't figure out where she is hiding the crayons to sneak them to her room..lol. I'm so excited for you! You are going to do great! Laura
1. Speed. 2. Price 3. Of course a beautiful flirty female dentist would certainly make the whole experience more pleasant. Don't overbook like all your counterparts. I just switched over to a new guy who is semi retired, but the beauty is that I never have to spend 2 hours waiting for him enter the room. Most of us have a lot of things we'd rather be doing than waiting an hour in a waiting room, then spending another 45 minutes in the chair waiting for an appearance. Get 'em in, drill 'em fill 'em and send them home. They'll love you for it.
Let me use my credit card so still don't but you guys cost alot. Give out free tooth brushes and toys for little kids. I agree kid friendly is a great idea.
Brenda, I have a whole list of promotional items to give out. This includes toothbrushes for adults and kids. I already have 100 boxes of crest sparkle toothpaste for kids in my livingroom now...(free from crest). thanks. I plan to set up creditcard use. maybe amEX and discover.....
Don't ask questions that require an actual answer when you've got instruments or fingers in the mouth. I hate not being able to elaborate on something!!!!!! Also, my dentist has a BOSE radio thingy in the waiting room - crystal clear but he plays elevator music - sounds of drilling and elevator music do not create a harmonius sound! <g> But as far as atmosphere - a friendly receiptionist is probably the most important to me. I love being greeted by name. I've only been there about 4 times and this is always nifty. Maybe I'm shallow but I hate just being a number. Good magazines are nice but it's even nicer not to have to read them 'cuz the dr. is on time! Or if the dr. isn't, my dentist will acknowledge that he's late - that makes a big difference to me. Lets me know he believes that his time is not the only time that's valuable. But I guess you can't really decorate with my suggestions.. .sorry. But it was sure nice to vent! <G> Ozzy.
My dentist also has a neat idea...at the checkout counter they have a big wicker basket filled with "Extra" sugarless gum in all flavors. You know you always have that nasty taste in your mouth when you are done at the dentist officce
Yes, a friendly receptionist is a must. I dont know how I will swing that one in South Jersey.....lol.
I HATE the places that have tv's on !! Always some crappy talk show or dumb sit com or even worse a boring football game.My dentist has pleasant music,good reading lamps, interesting magazines,and a little play corner for kids.The biggest thing I think (and this IS a credit news group) is that my dentist takes credit card payment !!