Can I pick your brains???? off topi

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girl6, Feb 26, 2002.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Curteous staff (#1)
    Clean modern looking offices with privacy (doors)
    Modern computer for documenting/appraising repairs
  2. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    thanks sam. I am wanting the clinical software but I am trying to get it added to my system after I have been open a little while to save money.

    Thanks for letting me know that patients notice that.

    My girlfriend went to a dentist in Md with all the works, computers, tv's, nice decor, cameras, digital xrays...etc. But 3 weeks later her newly placed filling feel out and she came to me to redo it......
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i like having the cd's and tvs in the exam room. i am so dental phobic and this has really helped me concentrate on the music and not the drill. my doc has a variety from luther to kenny rogers >he, he.
    clean is very good. family friendly is very good.
  4. matt_reigh

    matt_reigh Member

    I go to a dentist that has tvs on the ceilings. :) I like it a lot, because it takes my mind of the drilling or whatever else is going on in there. He gives me a remote control that has a ziploc bag over it (I suppose for sanitation purposes) and headphones to listen. I like that a lot.

    The only thing I don't like about him is that I don't think he even knows my name and I've been going to him for years (not to mention probably financed his BMW)...and that bothers me.

    His assistants are nice though and very pleasant...they know me by my first name which is nice.

    Other than that, just make sure that you don't play classical music in the waiting room. It's not soothing, especially when you begin to associate classical music with root canals. :)

    Goodluck, Matt.
  5. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    thanks. so far 2 for tv's and headphones in dental operatory.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    NO ON THE TV...

    Not DR. OFFICE music (a.k.a. elevator music)
    ...But I suppose that's hard to judge what people would want...
    If you get JAZZ some might not like it...
    Country nice...some still don't like it...
    Maybe soft rock?

    Front end girl cute, a must so the guys keep their appointments...(1/2 hour early even)...
    But she must also be able to answer all the stupid questions, and all the insurance and billing questions...

    My DENTIST office ALWAYS calls the patient the business day BEFORE the appointment for a reminder...(when you schedule the next appointment 6 months out).

    ONE VERY IMPORTANT know I DON'T floss very DON'T ask if I do!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...MORE ask me if I want to be called "GEORGE" or MR SMITH or just "HEY YOU"...

    I DON'T LIKE MR SMITH...(I don't know why, I just never have)

    Everybody knows to call me "GEORGE" before I get there...
  8. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Definitely. Some of us have crappy teeth, don't chide us as we are your bread and butter.

    Be concerned about costs, as most people don't have a $1000 (after insurance) to spend in a short period.

    Be very concerned about pain. Write plenty of scrips for vicodin, more so than necessary.

    Take all forms of credit cards, possibly arrange a financing company for people with expensive needs.

    for christ sakes, have a website.

    Do great work and be compassionate. This goes for any business.

    Referal bonus for patients of some sort.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    YELLOW PAGES AND WHITE PAGES for the phone book.

    Tell your hours, and days.


    MUST have an answering machine...and your home phone for emergency after hours (or cell # or pager #).

    Work ONE night a week till 9PM or ONE SATURDAY per month?
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well, I think TV's are a good idea - they have an "off" switch for folks who don't want them. When I had all my dental work done recently, I took a book with me, LOL. There are some times when it is necessary to wait while something else is being done - or while your mouth gets numb, etc. When I forgot my book, I spent most of one day watching the screensaver change on their computer! - I would've given anything for a TV to watch. Even CNN is better than the drill in the other room. ;)
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Ok, I RETRACT my NO TV vote...I guess it does have an OFF...
  12. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Here's what I like about my dentist and why I'll stay with him (hope it helps)

    My dentist puts interesting things on the ceiling to look at and music in the CD player.

    The receptionists in his office always call the day before (or Fri if appt is Mon) to remind me of my appointment. They also send a postcard reminder in the mail about a week before.

    Early appts (before work) are possible as well as Late appts for those who need to come in after work.

    The appointments are usually set up so well that I rarely have to wait more than 5 min. During those 5 min there is always lots of good mags to read.

    My dentist always explains everything he's doing and why and fully explains recommendations for other future appts.

    He keeps a close watch on my insurance (over/under allotment for calendar year) and adjusts treatment so I don't have out of pocket.

    He's friendly and easy to talk to (that is, when I don't have instruments in my mouth).
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Although I trust my DENTIST, he always tell me WHY something needs to be done and shows me the problem...
  14. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    thanks Mist,

    Those are all the things I try to do for my patients now. It is good to know that it matters. Thanks.
  15. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Roni,NOS,and all your patients will be happy.
  16. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    I ordered a portable unit. Nitrous oxide is not a good thing to being using unless necessary. But I will give it consideration.
  17. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I'll throw my $.02 in (just went to the dentist my memory is still fresh). First of all, I like my dentist, she is pleasant and has a great staff helping her out. I think she has four assistants helping her (for cleanings and such) and they usually pair you with the same assistant time after time (which I like, don't have to worry about trying to remember everyone's name).

    Why do I continue to go back?
    o On time appointments. I have never waited more than 10 minutes in the waiting room.
    o Pleasant staff
    o The office is clean and airy. Good lighting, equipment in good order (doesn't have to be high tech), but no tears in the dental chairs or broken xray machines.
    o Last but not least, she bills the insurance company for me and after the insurance pays she bills me for the rest (if their is a balance). This was actually the #1 reason I decided to go with this dentist instead of anyone else in the area. Everyone else wants you to pay in full and then you bill the insurance company for a reimbursement.

    Hope this helps.


    PS You don't need TVs, unless you really want them. I usually like a diverse reading section and pleasant music on the radio.
  18. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Hay roni.

    All the girly magazines and newsweek are okay but us REAL MEN want to read good magazines
    like FHM, STUFF, PLAYBOY(j/k),maybe some technical magazines like car n driver..

    Keep in mind not all guys like reading martha stewart living, family, etc. I think my current dentist staff is gay because there are no manly reading materials in sight and the secretary guy is all too friendly.

    Perhaps keep a stack of MANLY reading and GIRLY reading separate so some feminist doesn't slip in a cosmo or some trash and threaten our masculinity

  19. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    One thing I can think of that wasn't covered yet. Leave some open time each day for emergency visits and to let yourself catch your breath and/or catch up if you're running behind. The last dentist I had (notice had) made me wait all the time. What is the point of an appointment if you always have to wait and hour or so after it to see the dentist. I realize you might lose out on some money that way, but trying to jam in as many customers as possible will cost you customers.

    Also I lost a filling and chipped a tooth and was in quite a bit of pain. I had to wait 2 days to get in. I went through a bottle of anbisol a day until I got in.
  20. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    George is ABSOLUTELY right!!!! I work in the Yellow Page business, and for Dentists it is the most effective way for be friendly to your salesrep, and get the best deal out of them!!!! They usually give killer deals to new business', and see if they can set you up with a remote call forwarding number, which tracks the calls you get from that ad only on your phone bill every month!

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