Just an Observation...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dakota62, Feb 26, 2002.

  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You don't standunder it.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    He might be observing but he ain't seeing!
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Awwwww shucks!

    I thought we were going to fight! LOL

    Dakota, don't worry about what other folks are doing. Everybody shares their info, and everybody takes what they need and disregards the rest. No need to judge others, it serves no constructive purpose.

    Personally, I would like to have one of those pretty flower-decorated cards (Southern Heritage has a magnolia on it), but since it's CapOne and they're already a pain in the a$$, IMO, I will have to do without. Maybe Citi or AmEx will do that next :D
    And I am disappointed my "Blue" is not clear. <pout>
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    First I don't understand what you're saying. It's not in very clear terms.

    My BK was gone ALONG time ago. I have been fighting fraudulently opened credit card accounts. I don't care what you are here to learn, because you already struck a nerve with me by your "stereo typing" all of us incorrectly. I will make sure to never defend you or answer you again.

    I try to be nice to everyone and give the benefit of the doubt.....but you just hit the wrong nerve tonight with me.
  5. dakota62

    dakota62 Well-Known Member

    Re: Awwwww shucks!

    Point extremely well taken, Everybody please disregard my previous Extremely stupid comments.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    People had better chase scores because they are getting run over by them.
    No body deserves sloppy credit reports chock full of errors and bogus credit scores based on false information,including the worlds worst DeadBeat.
    It's the so called system that is on trial here not the motive of folks trying to correct things!!!
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    I'm impressed...very good post :)
  8. dakota62

    dakota62 Well-Known Member

    Best post I have seen from you yet. Keep up the good work.
  9. David

    David Well-Known Member

    And you thought I would let a post like this go unnocticed? Oh, thine innocence....

    Anyway dakota, speak your peace--you're entitled--perhaps you overgeneralized a TAD, but--you did strike a nerve--however--here's the thing--

    I think MOST people here--despite their past mistakes (like me), despite the "drama" that goes on in their lives (like me)--despite the "self rightiousness" they may espouse (like me--sometimes)--MOST people would rather:

    A) Chew their left arm off than be late on any payment ever again,

    B) Scoop the shit of Bin Laden and haul it around in their trunk rather than be ever be late on any payment again

    C) Disect their own liver without any anesthetic with the kitchen can opener rather than let something be turned over to a collection agency, or

    D) All of the above.

    Do I have more credit than I need at this point? Sure. Will I ever mishandle it again?

    H----E-----L------L N-----------O

    Once the taste of "crap credit" is in your mouth, and you manage to have it removed----I can't fathom ever recklessly giving myself the opportunity to taste it again--because frankly---I don't like the taste of doo-doo....

    Are some people going down the path you originally described? Probably, but I would bet it's a small minority...and to those people--well, if you don't study history then you're doomed to repeat it--obviously.


  10. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Dakota,for the most part your trolling is ineffectual.You should consult Doc about his sliding fee scale.
  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I don't think he was trolling, simply making an observation on what he perceived. I"ve seen posts and thought to myself...my gosh...how could they do that after going through this???? But then when you start to figure out how the game is played, it becomes a LOT more understandable. I think some of you guys are taking dakota's comments personally and I don't think he/she (sorry don't know which) intended it that way. I truly don't get where you guys are seeing malicious here. Anyway...

    Personally, I'm a little touchy about my credit myself. I don't like the "second class citizen" feeling I get when I get declined for credit or when I know I'm getting ****** on the interest rates. I never want to feel that way again.

  12. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    Dakota dakota......

    I will be honest I am shooting for 250K in prime credit cards. Why? Just a personal goal and for business reason. Right now I have a platinum card in my wallet with a 0 balance. Not exactly running to the malls.

    There is an art to the credit game, yes it is a game and it is full of pit falls because half of the rules are hidden.

    My credit situation was prompted by a bitter divorce, if I had the knowledge I learned on this board 4 years ago 90% of the financial pain I felt could have been avoided.

    Just a thought think outside of your sphere simply walk in someone else's shoes for a moment instead of judging their path by your walk...............

    for the record that AMEX Blue is damn pretty!...LOL
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Yes and 90%of them are against us Hidden or not!
  14. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Whyspers - I agree with you. I hate the feeling of being at someone's mercy when it comes to loans - it's a very low feeling. We had to use a finance company for a motorcycle my dh wanted - 3 of them turned us down and the 4th one 'accepted' us - but at a rate of 27.99%. Then once we were 1 day late on a payment and they came to our house. I will NEVER be at that point ever again. Incidentally, from this site and a link to the FTC, I learned that they broke the law with us - even though the loan was secured by the motorcycle, they also made up put up our piano and our new garden tractor as collateral. According to the FTC - that's illegal. I've been 1/2 thinking of pursing this - the loan has long since been paid, but it just bothers me the way they treated us and we let them becuase we were DUMB UNEDUCATED CONSUMERS! NEVER ever again will a bank, credit card company or anyone else take advantage of us financially. These lessons, for most people, will stick with us forever.


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