My situation is this . Providian opened 4-2000 Just upgraded to plat cl $1300 14.9% apr FCNB 5-2000 cl $300 apr 18.9% Getsmart 6-2000 cl $400 apr 16.9% Cross Country 6-2000 cl $700 apr 18.9% (Orchard Bank opened 7-2000 cl $1800 apr 9.0% just combined 3 cards into one this month) Autoloan with Wells Fargo Financial Jan 2002 ..New Diamante 22% interest rate financed $15000 put down $9000 Capitol One Plat- Jan 2002 CL $400 apr 14.9% Scores In April of last year Exp 554 Equifax 522 Tru 560 Scores in Dec were Equifax 560 Experian 589 Transunion 585 * Hechts and Sears Chargeoff in 96 and 97 * balances total $586 on credit cards Will pull reports tonight to see what has changed. Question is what if I close FCNB will that hurt my scores, it is the second oldest card I have but they have done nothing for me....I really fee as though I need 1 retail card to maximize my scores..Need a house next year..I am 24 years old..
Why are you wanting to cancel anything? I would cancel CCB if you want to cancel a card, I hear horrible things about them.
loosing some of them should maybe help your score. You have no retail cards? For sure I would get rid of this one-losers- if you like them (I wouldn't believe you if you said you did) at least try to get the rate down Cross Country 6-2000 cl $700 apr 18.9
I just cancelled my FCNB card that was almost 2 years old and I gained about 15-20 points. How did you get to platinum on Providian? I have had my card just as long with a higher limit and they won't budge on changing me to platinum?
Ever since Oct I have been badgering them with Phone calls and PFB letters to ask for a reason to use their card..Everytime I got denied..I believe it was due to the recent change within the company..Well Sat in the mail is a Offer from them to upgrade my Gold card to Plat with a cl of $1000..I was shocked...
Providian wouldn't budge with me, just lowered APR a couple points instead, I wanted a higher limit for my reports. Paid Balance. Placed in sock drawer. Now they are sending checks to use... Shredder!
I really just want to start slowing improving each card..I have PFB Crosscountry bank as well as every company I do business with..That is how I got getsmart down to 16.9%..MY SHOCK WAS ORCHARD..9.0% with my scores ?? Well if they screwed up too bad..I had a joint cc with them since last July cl$500 apr 18.9 with them and they sent me a offer in Dec for a card with a 9.0% rate I jumped at the offer but it was only a $300 limit..IN Jan they sent me another 1 with a $1000 18.9% limit and I called them and they said they would combine all 3 accounts for me..I think this card beats some Citi and MBNA cc's except for the measly limit.. I think FCNB is the first to go and then maybe I can get a Target Card soon...Need 1 retail account reporting
Get rid of cross country and getsmart because of the interest rate. Also get rid of the diamante, mitsubishi cars have a terrible resale value and @ 22 percent.
yah the mitsubishi loan is going to bite you hard in the butt. See if you can work your scores enough to trade it in or re-fi it. You want 4 cards, with as low as possible balances on them for the best possible score, but to be honest as long as you have the ghosts (baddies) holding you down, there's really not a lot to do to get that much of score increase.
Pay extra to Wells Fargo Financial. Send them an extra check each month specifically stating that it must be applied toward the principal. Do this for 6 months then request that the loan be re-financed at a lower interest rate. They do it right over the phone and tell you your new terms. I say pay extra because the balance vs miles will be considered when they set your new terms.
How do they know your mileage??? Do you have to tell them to get the loan??? DOESN'T SOUND LOGICAL...
Yeah u are right with the 22% rate..I pulled my scores last night and they dropped because the Orchard Joint Card I opened last July just hit my account as well as Capitol ONe and my Car loan...I will try and see if I can refinance with a credit union in about 5 months but I hope my scores will improve dramatically with the addition of my car loan and my added credit limits ( the Plat Providian and the New Orchard I just got a few weeks ago ) $2000 in additional limits not reporting yet..ONE OTHER QUESTION..Since I am combining 3 cards into the one card that I got in Dec/early Jan what date would they use once cards are combined ?? I mean will I still get credit for the account opened in July ? How will the closing of the 2 cards show on my credit report ?? Thanks SCORES NOW TU 542 Experian 564 Equifax 552
George, They took my word on the miles. However, I had a very good relationship with the rep. Don't know if somehow they would verify miles. The Wells Fargo office that handled my loan is near my home. When I initially purchased the car I went straight from the dealer to the WF office to introduce myself. They have multiple offices in many cities.