Hello all. There's been a lot of talk here concerning telephone conversation recording. I thought I'd run this by everyone. It is legal to record YOUR telephone conversations in all but the following states: California Connecticut Florida Illinois Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Montana Nevada New Hampshire Pennsylvania Washington <sorry guys> There are, however, stipulations in almost every state regarding these laws, so check in your area to be sure. I've had CA's tell me that it's illegal in EVERY state to record THEIR calls. <see quote below> I find it ironic that companies routinely tell us that our "calls MAY be recoreded for quality purposes"... I take that as permission! Smitty "Kinny-garden" was my FIRST educational stop... not my last!
Don't forget to check the laws in the state you are calling as well. These laws can really get complicated so be careful with it. Also keep in mind that sometimes a judge will not care for "underhanded" tactics...others won't care what you did to get evidence :::sigh::: L
When a company says, "...this phone call may be recorded..." It seems to me they're giving you permission by saying the call "may" be recorded.
Re: FYI: Telephone Converstation La Smitty, it is legal to record telephone calls in the restricted states you mentioned as long as you get the other party's permission. Doc
Re: FYI: Telephone Converstation La I don't think you have to get their permission, per se. You just have to tell them the call is being recorded.
Re: FYI: Telephone Converstation La Informing the other party that you are recording the call is the same as seeking permission legally. The other party has the option of terminating the call; otherwise their permission is considered to be implicit. Doc
Re: FYI: Telephone Converstation La Do EXACTLY what I do, when they give you that BS on the phone: Tell the Rep the same exact thing she told you: This call may be being recorded for quality control and to keep your company from telling me stuff that isn't true. I reserve the right to do whatever I want with this phone call and unless you like hearing the sound of your voice in court, you have the option of hanging up now. Really seems to perk up the person on the other end, and makes me laugh so hard. I've gotten at least 2 or 3 collection agencies who call once a week for some guy named Walter who used to own my number to stop calling. One even told me that what I was doing was illegal, and I informed him that in most states it's legal as long as you notify the party a head of time. Of course I did buy a phone recorder sometime ago, but I have only used it maybe 1 or 2 times. Comes in handy! Radio shack had them on sale for about $12-20.