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Can I pick your brains???? off topi

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by girl6, Feb 26, 2002.

  1. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Here's my 2 cents and it goes for any business really. Being that I probably look alot younger than I'm actually am I find that people wont extend me the same courtesies as they will the next person. My suggestions are all conceptual.

    1. Courteous Proffesional Conscientious Staff is VERY IMPORTANT! Especially those that can deal with ill mannered clients. Some people can do it, some people just can't. I'd make it clear to your potential employee's that you will not tolerate attitude to customers. Some people can't differentiate between a gripe at work and a personal attack. I'd reccomend that you send some freinds in there and test your new employee's out. Personally I'd hire those people that would cry as a result of a verbal exchange vs. people who even "may" return words. Alot of that has to do with the OTHER customers watching.

    2. Treat all customers with the same respect without regard to Gender, Race, Religion, Socio-economic status and Weight. In my bussiness I want everybody's money, I want there freinds money too. You want to be that Dentist that when someone talks bad about you or your practice someone will immeadiatly say "NO THAT CAN'T BE TRUE."

    3. Sometimes bend the rules to satisfy the customer in a dispute. I've seen businesses loose good long term customers because of refusal to waive a fee for in case of dispute of service or inadequate product. Sometimes it's worth one payment to get 20 more in the future.

    4. Allow your office Manager to fix problems at the lowest level. If you have to get involve then it inflates the importance of things in the customer's and employees eye.

    5. Have employees watch what they say around clients. In fact it's kinda irritating being in the office or chair wainting while employee's are ranting about the Grammy's and last night TV shows. I was in the Dr. Office last month and there was too much conversation and laughing going on especially since my dam back was hurting. Also I wanted to add.. in my young and dumb teen years I made an ILL remark about gays talking to another employee and I was sent home for the day. Why, because a client and the boss was gay? I didn't know (but it shouldn't have mattered). I didn't care at the time beause that same day I found a better job but years later I look back and think to myself it was a foolish thing to do.
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    If you use the yellow pages Make sure your name starts with "A"

    like " A Friendly Smile - dentristry"
    "A Gentle dentist"
  3. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    Yes, Sam you are right (it may upset other dentists, because they'll think your "heading jumping", but if you use this method, make sure your DBA Lic reflects that!) By doing that you'll be the first in your heading.....as far as display advertising....you go in by "size and seniority" so check out your competition, and if you have specific questions about advertising tricks to get a return on your investment, email me! Boy, i wish I lived out there! :)
  4. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Since I do plan on visiting...Somethings that I liked from past dental offices...

    1. TV in the ceiling of the exam room and patient gets remote.
    2. When I had my fist root canal (scared to death)
    I was given the 3D goggles and headset for sound and nice vivid relaxing images and soothing music played while they drilled away.

    3. And with everyone else..CLEANLINESS. I hate for
    the water drain in the "spit bowl" to be rusted.

    4. Didn't like the jet spray cleaning. Makes your face
    way too gritty. I like the old-fashion dig and scrape way.

    5. And my last dentist did not let the hygenist do the
    special folks..he did it himself. LOVED THAT!

    6. And make sure that staff is overwhelmingly accommodating to anybody experiencing pain and needs to come in ASAP.
  5. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    The most important thing to me at the dentist's office is getting the best care for my teeth. I want my teeth cleaned gently but thoroughly. I want the dentist to hunt cavities agressively and treat any problems with the best technology, especially if it's going to be staying in my mouth when I leave.

    I only have to go to the dentist once every 6 months. I have to carry my mouth around all the time.

    The impression of expertise, professionality, freindliness, and most especially, cleanliness are the things you want to convey. Avoid clutter.

    Coloring books are a nice idea, maybe obtain or create some "dental education" coloring books. When I was a kid I loved the glass case in my dentist's waiting room with all kinds of educational dental related schtuffs. Put up those nice educational posters (but not the scary disgusting ones that show pictures of advanced periodontal disease (gross!).

    For furniture and office coloring, stick with cool colors and cool neutrals (light grey, not light brown. blue, not mauve.) These colors automatically look crisper and cleaner, and are more calming. Shun "busy" wallpaper. Use black grout where you use grouted tile, it won't show discoloration with age. Install enough cabinetry so your counters don't need to be cluttered.

    That's all I can think of for now.

  6. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    Question? When is the book published each year. When do I have to have the ad in by to get into a phone book. Thanks.

    Everyone else. Thanks for the replys. I see now what is really important. I feel that I handle those matters well now and I hope to carry being ontime and polite to patients to my own practice. Alot of that has to do with front desk staff who are morons at scheduling but of course they dont let YOU know that.

    Yellow pages are a given. Thanks again for all of your replys.....keep them coming though....

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    YELLOW PAGES I think "GO TO BED" 3 months before issue date...
  8. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    George if only i knew what you were saying.......

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If the ISSUE DATE IS DECEMBER 1...you have to have the ad in by SEPTEMBER 1 at the latest...
  10. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Ok this is a MUST NOT!

    DO NOT put scary pictures of nasty mouth diseases on your wall.

    I DO NOT want to look at someone's rotting out mouth on the wall. It is disgusting.

    Thank you.

    (I just went to the dentist today and I had to look at that stuff)
  11. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Oh, by the way... never ask one of your patients if you can "pick your brains?" While holding that metal hook thingy.
  12. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    you guys are awesome. Thanks to all who just replied. I am surely gonna print this thread out when it runs its course (and keep it for future references)..thanks again.
  13. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Don't keep people waiting, I was in a doctor from 1130 to 245. If you must have a TV, water cooler., coffie,!!!
  14. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Just keep appointments on time. That is the biggest thing to me.
  15. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    So from what you guys are suggesting....if i want to attract patients, I should specify that I will not keep people waiting? Should I name my place....."Always on time....dental." LOL....
  16. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok heres what I would like;
    1. Dont ask for SSN# (lol)
    2. Take your time and don't rush people through questions and such
    3. COURTEOUS STAFF, if they're rude I wouldnt go back
    4. Definately child friendly.
    I like the ideas about having a tv in each room, but I think the cable bill will get high.
    Congrats on getting your business underway!
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    1. Dont ask for SSN# (lol)

    THAT'S THE WORK INSURANCE CLAIM IDENTIFICATION...SO THEY SAY...(name, address, and phone # won't work)!?!?!?!?!?!

    When I call some credit cards all I have to imput is the "LAST 4 NUMBERS OF THE ACCOUNT"...THEY GOT MY ACCOUNT WITH CALLER ID CROSS REFERENCE.

    My phone # CAN'T be my account #???
  18. unsavvy

    unsavvy Member

    I am new to this site and love the info and advice here. Congratulations on your new business. I have been with the same dentist for almost 20 years and he was also fairly new when I started. I agree with many of the suggestions here and, in addition to those posted, the following kept me as a patient and allowed me to refer many patients to him:

    1. Listen to your patient. I had quite a bit of work to do and other dentists would always do the work they felt should be done first. I wanted those things done first that could be seen (like the front teeth!!) and they would inevitably start working on a crown in the nether regions of my mouth. He listened to my concerns, did the work on the very front and then proceeded with his plan.

    2. After every visit that he does work (not the hygenist, or for cleanings or checkups), he calls the same evening to ask if I'm doing o.k. The call takes no more than 30 seconds but it really makes you feel like he cares. The first time he did it, he scared the wits out of me because I thought he had done something really bad. All of my friends and co-workers that I have referred LOVE the calls.

    3. Use WARM water spray to rinse. Unfortunately, in his office, only the hygenist rooms have warm water. So, when he working on you and you have cold-sensitive teeth that haven't been numbed, OUCH!

    4. I didn't see this but it may have been said, send thank you cards and little gifts for referrals. He used to send a coffee cup full of candy (which I thought was weird for a dentist) and I got up to a set of 8. After I told him I had a service for 8, I received a beautiful mahogany pen for the next referral.

    Neither my family nor any of the people I have referred over the years have moved and his practice is growing and thriving. He now has 2 locations in the area and a much larger staff but he, and his entire staff are the same warm, friendly, efficient group they have always been.
  19. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    Thanks unsavy

    That was a great post.

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