30 Days on the NOSE but I'm smilin'

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Feb 28, 2002.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Well, I sent a validation letter to NCO CRRR 60 days ago. The receipt came back almost exactly 30 days later. They took their time accepting it, but they finally did. Then on almost exactly the 30 day mark from the receipt I get a letter from NCO saying they are sending notice to the Credit bureaus to delete the listing. WooHooooooo! I think...

    The problem is, they have the wrong SS#. So how can they get it removed from my report? I don't know, but I think Equifax will reject it because it won't match. My name but NOT my SS#. Sure they will put it ON my report with the wrong SS# but removing it, yeah right! I think I am not out of the woods yet.

    Should I try and contact Equifax to show them this letter with the account numbers that are on my report but the with the erroneous SS#? or should I try and contact the guy who signed the letter at NCO and have them re-send a delete request for my correct SS#? (I dont want to give NCO any information if possible so I don't think I want to send them my SS#)

    -Peace, Dave
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    If it isnt removed, I would just send a copy of the letter that they sent you. The credit bureaus should remove it in that event, if not you can get em.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Hey Dave,

    I would let it ride for now. I think if they have 2 things that can verify it's you, such as name and address, it will be deleted. If it isn't deleted with 30 days, then maybe call NCO and ask for another letter, or, just dispute it.
  4. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    I would send a copy of the letter to the CRA, maybe they will just call the person who signed it to verify. Does the letter have a phone # on it? Anyway, I have had things put on my report without them having my ss#, only my name. The dirtbags can do what they want, when they want it seems.
    congrats on the letter anyway,
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Thanks LKH, Candi, and OhNo! Was quite unexpected to get the deletion without getting too tough. Seldom do you get NCO to do anything, Musta put some Dave's Insanity Sauce in that validation letter. Too Hot!

    I'll wait a week or two and see if it is there and let you know how it goes. It will be a good test to see if they can remove things that have wrong SS# info. We all know they can add it easily.

    Now I am finally down to only 1 derogatory listing, on only 1 report, and it falls off in May for 7 year rule!!

    It only took me one year of constant attention to the matter...it is worth it!! - but my brain hurts!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks again guys,

    -Peace, Dave
  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    By the way Candi, yes it does have a name and a phone number on it...and a signature from a compliance officer.

    I may frame it!! LOL :)))

    -Peace, Dave
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How many collection calls or collection letters did you get from N.C.O.duiring this 30 day period.Looks like NCO is working slight of hand here !
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    None! I received NOTHING from NCO ... EVER. I only found out about this when I pulled my report and saw it on there. The debt was about 4.5 years old when I pulled my report (for the first time in my life) about a year ago. So I sent a validation letter 2 months ago. Then when I got this letter back, I saw that it is for some other SS# but has my name. The SS# is a dyslexic version of mine so someone probably entered it into EQ erroneously and it appeared on my report.

    -Peace, Dave
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    My MIL sent them 2 Val. letters over a month ago and never got either of the G.Cards back.Since she sent the letters Nco has tried to collect 7 times by calling her and once by a letter she received from them a few days ago.If this works out like they did it with you NCO will have beat the rap for $8000.00 in violations.
    As I have stated on another thread it appears like the CAs have found a way to beat the validation letters by hiding delaying or destroying the evidence.
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    DAVE!!! Where've you been? Congrats on the deletion! I had almost the same thing ahppen to hubby, a CA sent a printout of a bill he owed EXCEPT it had a totally different name address SSN# etc. I called the woman who it belonged to and told her what was going on, she said she was getting a lawyer and going after them for enablement of identity theft. Afterall I had all her info right in front of me! We talked for a while and come to find out she was trying to repair her credit from her divorce! LOL
  11. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Wow Kellie, that's intense. Did you (he) end up getting the item removed or is it still on his report? I am interested to see if they remove things having the wrong SS# because I would think they will not be able to find my report without it. They entered it mistakenly...but finding the account with the wrong SS# will be nearly impossible. At least my name isn't John Smith or something too common. Is the woman going to join Creditnet? We love the company and it sounds like she is going to have some pretty interesting stories after this debacle.

    Where have I been?...I have been real busy especially the last couple weeks. I keep reading the board but don't have the time to respond as much as I used to, but I am here. I wish I could be in Vegas this weekend...sounds like they are going to have a great time.

    How are other things with your credit endeavors going? I see your scores are improving congratulations on leaving the 500's behind. I found that once I got into the upward movement in the 6's my scores started improving faster so you will be breaking the 7's soon, I feel it!

    Hope all is well.

    -Peace, Dave
  12. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your success thus far.. i would suggest providing the credit report # for NCO to delete and reference when they call the CRA.. however, make sure they dont do a hard inquiry..
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Glad you're back Dave! Glad all is well too!!!

    Ok so, the CA had never reported it, it was actually the FIRST bill they sent out, you know the one that gives you the "you have 30 days to dispute" notice.

    This happened right as I was beginning the credit repair journey, I don't remember if I had found creditnet yet or not.

    The conversation was too funny, she was napping and her hubby woke her. So she's half asleep talking to a stranger with all her info. I gave her my name and number and told her to call me if she ever needed a witness or anything, but I never heard from her. She let me photocopy the letter (I sent her the original), and I sent the CA a copy of the letter as well as a copy of hubbys DL. With a nasty little letter saying how can you confuse Tom Jones with Mary Smith? Also forewarning them that if this graces his credit report that there will be a lawsuit filed. I never heard from them again.

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