I disputed two items with Equifax and they came back deleted. But Equisux never took them off the report. So, I sent in a copy of the letter they sent me saying the items were deleted, and asked they they Remove them off the report. ( this letter was sent CRRR) So today I get a letter saying "results of my investigation" Once an ACCT has been opened, The acct may appear on the credit file for 7 to 10 years from the date of last activity". WTF? THEY deleted these items last month after an investigation, but never updated my credit file. Thats what I was asking them to do, update my file and remove the deletions. Now what do I do?? P.s, They also have changed my DOB. They had it right last month. But this letter I got today has it wrong.....What do I do about that?? Thanks so much Me
Same thing happened to me with Equifax and DOB - fine one day, the the next day I lost 1 1/2 years of my life! Ozzy.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone could really be as stupid as these people seem. Maybe it's deliberate, LOL. They seem to read what we send when we threaten to sue them - try that!
Should I wait this out and try again? Should I call them and see if I get get them to straighten it out over the phone or what? Thanks ME
No, don't call them. You have the beginnings of a lawsuit, and you don't want to blow it. I would just re-send the same info, with a letter clarifying why you are re-sending it. Let them screw up again, LOL. More ammunition for you.