Gulf State/Equifax rrrrrrrrrr......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by IVAN, Feb 28, 2002.

  1. IVAN

    IVAN Well-Known Member

    Well, for the last few months my Equifax report has run on cruise control. My best report (720) and climbing. Guess who showed up for lunch? Gulf State. Last year, I finally got Gulf State to let loose with a deletion and a "we are sorry" letter. In September, the Gulf State account re-appeared and I immediately contacted GS and Equifax. I received another "we are sorry" letter from GS and the account was deleted. No explanation for the re-insertion they just claimed that it would never happen again, until today.

    Gulf State is putting the blame on Eq and Eq is blaming GS. This account will once again be deleted (5 to 7 bus days) but what can be done in order to make it permanent? I live in California and would go to any extreme to end this nonsense.

    Any ideas?

  2. rondaugh

    rondaugh Well-Known Member

    A lawsuit against both sounds in order. Let them blame each other in front of the Judge. Easiest money you will ever make.
  3. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Hey same think almost, the gulf state reappeared in jan, reported twice, with diff balances.. Now guess what happened today in a credit report. OSI Funding now shows up with the exact accts, but just OSI as the agent. So now 4 accounts show up!!!!! I'm so pissed. Who in Gulf State did you contact and what number?????
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Call the 800 number for gulf state and ask for compliance dep't, or the legal dep't. ext. 5049
  5. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Don't have the 800# bececause they never sent me anything, I got the letters that were sent to Gulf State, but letter came back from OSI in Nov of 2001, no phone number... I'm sure the number is on one of the many post here... those devils....
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You have your choice - call 1-800-624-0284 and ask for compliance or legal, or, call 1-678-417-5049 and get straight to the person you want to talk to.
  7. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    Re: Gulf State/Equifax rrrrrrrrrr..

    Got the same stink on my EQ report as well - I sent Gulf State a validation letter that they signed for Feb 1 - suddenly there is an tradeline from OSI Funding on my report for the same account reporting from 1/2002.

    I saw on the web that OSI purchased $4 BILLION in bad debt in 2000.

    Can you just imagine how many other people have to deal with these FAs?!
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Gulf State/Equifax rrrrrrrrrr..

    Gulf State contends that they are currently involved in a lawsuit with Equifax(? did not state the name, but since this is happening with them I deduced because they reinserted tradelines, along with adding tradelines from OSI Funding Corp. I was told that OSI Funding Corp isn't even a real company (which isn't true), then later in the conversation...that OSI Funding was the one who providing funding for Gulf State to purchase the accounts. (They are the same company, but they are organized to take advantage of tax laws, etc.)

    Interesting little tidbit that I didn't personally buy, but hey...someone

  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Re: Gulf State/Equifax rrrrrrrrrr..

    Thanks i'll call them today and get right down to it. I'm sure they'll try there mumbo jumbo, but i'm not trying to hear it.. No validation letters or nothing sent to me. Now the clowns OSI purchase bulk paper and commence to mass collect as well... RMA Collection agency has a lawsuit agains them currently for reporting multiple instances of the same account, which is a violation. I'm sure the same will have with these clowns..
  10. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Re: Gulf State/Equifax rrrrrrrrrr..

    Hmm... Perhaps you should write your validation letter with language that indicates your validation request/cease and desist order is also directed at any affiliates of the target CA. That way if Gulf State tries to circumnavigate your validation request by passing your account to another OSI affiliate, you still would have a dead lock on Gulf State for violations when OSI continued collection efforts under a different affiliated name.

    Then maybe every new duplicate tradeline after you sent validation to Gulf State could be 2 violations each. 1 for Gulf State and 1 for the new name, for each new affiliated name tradeline. Or maybe that's pushing the legal envelope. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.



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