TU won't show online report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jonesing, Feb 28, 2002.

  1. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    After getting the denial letter from eloan (who used TU and EQ) I tried to pull my report online. TU gave this message:

    We cannot deliver your TransUnion Personal Credit Report & Score online because we were unable to confirm your identity. For your security, we must block online access to your TransUnion Personal Credit Report & Score for 7 days. You will not be charged for this transaction.

    You may still receive your report & score by U.S. Mail. After a thorough offline identity confirmation process, your report & score will be mailed to you. If we are unable to confirm your identity offline, you will be sent a notice within two weeks with the reason(s) why we cannot fulfill your request.

    All my info was entered correctly. So now I have to wait for snail mail. Should I even bother trying to get my free EQ or should I just call and ask for a mailed copy?
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    That what had happened to my brother and they blocked his report. He got his on-line report again after he got his report from the mail. I think it is system problem and they unblock his report after two weeks.

  3. Smitty

    Smitty Well-Known Member

    I think they do this when you give them "updated" identity information that they don't have. They pulled this stunt on my wife, but as it turned out, they didn't have her "new" last name on file. You'll most likely have to go the snail-mail route.

    If a tree falls in the wood, and 2+2=4, then where did I put my keys?
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Are you sure you entered accounts that are showing on TU's reports? This happened to my husband because whatever credit card, mortgage and/or other information you enter for them to identify you has to match the stuff on your credit report.

    Once he received the hard copy in the mail, he was then able to use it to enter the correct info.

    Hope this helps!

  5. matt_reigh

    matt_reigh Member

    I had the same problem with TU. However, I discovered (through this board of course) that you can also get an Trans Union report from www.truecredit.com. So, I went there and was able to pull it up in minutes after going through a pretty thorough validation process (it prompts you to enter certain acct nbrs you know are on the report, etc).

    I also ordered one via telephone about a week ago but have not received anything as of yesterday.
  6. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    hmmm maybe I'll go that route. Even though I'm entitled to a free report, I may just go ahead and pay for one (or a triple merged report) rather than wait for snail mail.
  7. thescoob

    thescoob Well-Known Member

    Be careful with that... for some reason, TU dings you for a HARD inquiry for Tri-merged reports... in addition, other than getting the report through Worthknowing.com (who's affiliated with them) - I'm currently fighting hard inquiries from about 4 other online credit report providers.

    Every one of them took away points from my score... just a heads up.


    EQ 624, EX 591, TU 545
  8. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member


    thanks for the tip scoob!

    I decided to get individual reports directly from the 3 CRAs. Since I had an inquiry on EQ I figured I would try them next. Logged in to the member area and put in my Visa number. I was assuming that they'd see the inquiry, ask if I was declined and therefore not charge me for the report. No such luck. Got an error message--won't show my report. I called the 800 number to order from the automated system. Can't, I'm locked out and they want all kinds of stuff: copy of my DL, copy of my SS card, copy of a utility bill, copy of a cc statement AND copy of a paystub or W-2 form!!! WTF I got an auto loan with less documentation!!!!

    I figured I would go for the hat trick and tried Experian online. Oddly enough, I ddn't readily see the info about ordering by snail mail. They're really pushing online services. I didn't want the free CreditExpert trial so I just got the plain Experian Scorecard service. Success!! Got my report, my score (590) and even played with the simulator. Thanks to my new Acrobat software I can start storing all this crap in PDF and save some trees. But wait! There is a problem: there are 3 other SSNs on my file and the report I'm looking at only has TWO accounts!!! I have at least 6 open accounts and 4 closed/inactives!!! WTF! So now I have to deal with the regional goobers who don't do anything by phone. Their response to everything is "mail us a letter." grrrrrrrrrrrr

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