Planetfeedback and Capital One

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mirage7, Mar 1, 2002.

  1. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Hi all-
    How long does it typically take to receive a response from Capital One after sending a planetfeedback letter?

  2. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    There was a post on this yesterday

    I got a call within 3 hours some faster/longer depends
  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    less than 1 hour yesterday..

    I think how you post your complaint, who you address it too, and how nice (even though you are angry) may have something to do with your response rate. Of course always give them your daytime work # because they like to call during the day.
  4. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    I sent a letter in on Monday and have heard nothing...I don't know what I should think...any thoughts?
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Well mirage, you got a response from the capitalone mail server right? If not, re-send, if so, just call him up. THEY DO NOT MIND if you just call them up.


    Dear xxx xxxxx,

    Thank you for your e-mail. We are dedicated to providing fast and accurate
    responses to all incoming e-mails and make every effort to provide an
    answer to all e-mail correspondence within 1 business day.

    However, depending on the complexity of your specific inquiry, our reply
    may take some additional time for research and resolution. We appreciate
    your patience as we work to resolve your concerns.


    Capital One
  6. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Thanks. I don't have the number to the executive you happen to have it?

    Thanks again Sam...
  7. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    nah but the search button always works :)
  8. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    bless you!! :) Thanks!
  9. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    of course let us know the good (or bad) news afterwards. Good luck.
  10. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    I crossing my fingers. Thanks for the help and the good wishes. I'll definitely let you know how I do.
  11. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    I am still waiting to hear back from them, 1st PFB was Saturday, 3 have been sent, and one voicemail now.
  12. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    That's pretty discouraging...may I ask what you are seeking?
  13. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    800-955-1455 /Executive Office phone #
  14. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    I just want my card reactivated, they claim that I called and cancelled 1/18/02 WRONG!! Mr cook gave me an increase at the time. I do not know why I am not getting a response, and customer service was yelling at me yesterday, one lady told me I needed to reapply, this card is over 2 years old. Its insane.
  15. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Thanks! I left him a message...we'll see...
  16. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    What a nightmare! I hope this is resolved for you soon!
    Thanks for sharing...
  17. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I had PFB Cap One back in Feb 7 and today 3/1/02 I received a letter from Mr Cooke telling me what he did to my account. He normally calls me but this time he did not call me. He did take care of my account and I have to thank him for that.
  18. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Thanks for your response. It makes me feel more positive about things...
  19. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    I have used PFB and CapitalOne 3 times. Each time I got a prompt email reply and phone call within 3 days. This last time I was shocked when Mr. Cooke called me on a SATURDAY because we kept missing each other so we wound up playing voicemail tag!
  20. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Just a quick update! Thanks for all of the information everyone! Mr. Cooke did call. He increased my limit and unsecured my account. Moreover, Mr. Cooke is truly kind and wants to be helpful. It doesn't get any better than that...

    Thanks everyone...

    P.S. How long should I wait after my increase to apply for another card?

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