Good Afternoon to Everyone, How does one go about improving their scorses Ilike to buy a house next year and I sat down w/a first time buyer program person. She printed out my score and credit report. Equifax-575 Experian-588 Trans Union-591 I have 4 unpaid collections 1 paid charge off 1 paid collection and the last time I was late w/a payment was 3 years ago. Any ideas would be appeciated. Peace and Blessings Alicia
Hi, Alicia After about 25 months of timely payments, you start looking real good, so keep up the good work. Negotiate with the lenders to remove the paid negatives, and to delete the unpaid negatives in exchange for payment. I've not had unpaid negatives in the past, but if you do a search you'll find more specific advice on how to do that.
you can dispute dispute the unpaid items. if they are collection accounts you can request validation.. you can try disputing they paid charge offs also, they may be removed easily.. read posts here on credit net. it will help a lot.
Thanks for the information so far. I will do a search and get ideas on what to do. Peace and Blessings Alicia