These Basta$#@% are at it again! Just got a new tradeline added to equifax from "OSI Funding CORP" AKA: GULF STATE!! So now I have a c/o from Providian, a tradeline from Gulf State AND OSI Funding w/ the same amount same acct#.....should I dispute as duplicate?? I am sending validation to both Gulf and OSI.... Does anyone have the address for OSI, as they don't disclose it on Equifax! help!
You can get the address from the Better Business Bureau at I think we talked about this in email...or it may have been someone Don't worry, this one will be an easy one but may take some time. If you follow the procedure though with Gulf State, they can delete both. L
I'm wondering if Gulf State just turned over a number of acounts to OSI, because this just happened to me and some others on this board as well. I called Equifax to get the address of OSI. I asked the service rep to check the address of Gulf State at the same time. They are identical with one little exception: OSI Funding Corp. PO Box 105406 Portfolio Department Atlanta, GA 30348-5460 1-800-425-0006
Thanks, whyspers... I just re- read your email, and I faxed valid to gulf state! Just didn't know if OSI operating out of same office (even though they are the same damn company!) They're messin with the wrong folks!!! Thanks for the address!!!
This just happened with me as well, now I have the original creditor, 2 gulf states, and a OSI funding on the same 500 c/o!!! Still waiting to hear back on the gulfstate disputes.
You talked to me whyspers. I guess they are raking alot of people over the coals with their new devious technique.
Oh...that's right, milkmom!!! I have a horrible I just wish Cross Country was as easy to deal with. I just know its not coming off until Feb. 2003! L