Providian has new marketing plans to attract customers according to Bloomberg. The new Providian executives from FleetBoston are trying to turn the company around for the better. Here is the link.
That is good news... maybe that is why the lowered my APR by 7 points in January, and now have just offered me a platnium card. I am part of a marketing change. haha. Actually the terms on this new card sucks, but there is space in the sock drawer until they wise up.
Providian's "marketing" (actually withdrawal) plans also include raising interest rates to 29.9% and telling cardholders via the Associated Press that "if they don't like it, they can pay off the account and close it." That was from one of the local papers. I have my own "marketing" plans for my Providian card, and for their entire corrupt, phony, filthy organization. I think the truth, if widely known, would shut down their silly pretend bank within a few months. I would like to encourage any prospective cardholders to throw away their solicitations. Even if they offer you a good interest rate, how do you know they won't raise it after a few months? Actually, since their CEO came from Fleet, you know they will. Providian has no integrity, based on both their new corporate policies and their ongoing corporate culture.
I have been a Providian customer since June 2000 and hold two accounts. Personally I have never had any problems with them. If they start giving me problems I will not hesitate to close the accounts.