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New Experian score...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Is 669. I am not overly impressed. Would I even qualify for the State Farm Visa and Yahoo Platinum card? I have no negatives and 2 inquiries remaining.
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Heck ya! Wow! Christi you rule!! Congrats again, and again.....ARGH I still have 2 collection accounts on all three reports! How bout Citi?
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    CONGRATS!!! I don't think the CE is working correctly, many of us have had MAJOR deletions in the past few weeks and only gained 2 pr 3 points.
    I think with State Farm as long as there are no negs you'll be ok, but like your disclaimer says, I'm not an expert :p
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I just gained 110 points. The clean report is a result of the lawsuit settlement..but I was hoping for a 700 or close to it. I know I started in low to mid 400's but I wanted higher. I'm thinking 669 isn't very good? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I just thought with that 752 TU this might be higher, will I qualify for prime?
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Hey Christie,

    Good job! As far as the scores go, don't forget that TU scores are on a different scale than Exp. or Equifax. TU's go quite a bit higher. I think Doc figured it out a couple weeks ago, and I don't remember the formula to convert your TU score to the Equifax score, but I believe your TU would be comparable to the Equifax and Experian if converted. So, your Exp. is a pretty good score.
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Great work Christi,

    I am sending final letter to EXP with copy of lawsuit today via UPS..... pondering what to do about equifax???
  7. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member


    ...remember these are not the real scores so the banks will see something a little different. With no negs you might as well go ahead and apply!
  8. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    Great job, Christi, but hey, there's no complaining when you pick up 110 points!!

    BTW, to look at your scores on the same scale, divide each of your scores by the maximum score for each service. This is how your scores would look :

    TU: 752/934 = 80.5
    Experian: 669/820 = 81.6
    Equisux: 556/850 = 65.4

    TU and Experian are right in line with each other, but Equisux...
  9. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member


    I am so happy for you!
  10. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Congratulations :)
  11. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  13. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member

    I take Tonya Harding in the 2nd.
  14. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    congrats christi...

    So did experian cave in pretty easily? I just served them with a small claims suit yesterday. I sent the serving papers along w/ a settlement offer to the registered agent. Does the registered agent forward all of this to experian, or should I also mail it to corporate? Just curious, thanks
  15. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    The registered agent gets it all to them. I had an attorney in my back pocket so thus far I am batting 100%. I have Equifax left to go..

    Good Luck :)

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