Thought I'd let you know.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by robin, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic because I did gain some really valuable information from this board. However, I have to say that it appears that the only people that really get any varied response on this board are the "regulars". I really think that is ashame but oh well. Just an observation based on my previous posts. Perhaps my posts were confusing or did not make sense. Whatever the reason there have been little to no help with my questions here. Despite this I will keep trying this board at different times because I really do think it is a very valuable resource.....
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Give it time. The number of your posts is sort of like your FICO score; i.e., a higher number of posts make you a better Creditnet risk, or something like that.

    Yes, I agree that it was a stupid joke.

  3. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Thanks wajaba. I just thought I was doing something wrong or breaking some rule of etiquette. I guess the longer you are around the more trust you build up around here. It's just that I'm in real bad shape creditwise and I really need help. I'm willing to wait though if I have to.
  4. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    I would suggest bumping, although it doesn't appear to be working for me!

    just reply to your own post so that it pushes it to the top again.
  5. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm off-base here but there has been talk recently about this board being watched by creditors, CRAs, CA, and the like.

    I'm sure there are at least a few people out here that are leary of newbies. I was once a newbie but even now, sometimes some of my posts go unanswered.

    It's nothing personal.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    When I first came onboard, I rambled a lot and never really got to the point quick enough. I still ramble, but when I'm asking a question I try to get to the question as quick as possible with giving as much detail as *I* thought was necessary. I figured people get board reading a bunch of garbage that doesn't really pertain to the question at hand. (This is my guesstimate, and I'm not saying you ramble).
    I won't answer BK questions because I have NO experience with them AT ALL. I will however chime in on a CA question.

    ::throws in 2 pennies::
  7. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Ditto what tmitchell said. I am much more hesitant to share details, but I do try to answer generally.
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I think as well, (as I found out recently on a mailing list while trying to help some poor guy get an answer to a question), that people who have worked to dig up the answers on their own resent it when someone comes along and starts asking questions without even bothering to read any of the thousands of posts already here. I can understand this viewpoint, but also understand the frustration of coming into this thing totally clueless.

    Don't give up...if you aren't getting answers, I have noticed that nine times out of ten, it was because the question had been asked and discussed in depth in the not too distant past and a quick search would turn up your answers. Case in point...the Gulf State threads that have been posted in the past couple of days. The exact same topic had been discussed in depth just a few days early...and over the previous two weeks.

    At any rate...I love this site and plenty of times get no responses to my questions, but figure that my poor credit is six years old so another few days of trying to find the answers won't kill me. Its not going to get corrected overnight anyway. I don't mind rambling to myself so if no one reads or wants to respond...that's okay too :) I figure my longwinded posts have already made a few people's ignore

  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Robin, I think you're sorely mistaken. I was reviewing your postings, and this is what I've found:

    Robin's 1st standalone question -- Sending my first validation request:
    Several responses with good information provided by dfwgt, Terry, lbrown59, and Killer. Since there was no follow-up post from you, perhaps you missed those responses.

    Robin's 2nd posting -- What is the wollman letter?:
    mcen0012 answered you with a definition and an FTC link. No response from you.

    Robin's 3rd posting (2nd standalone thread) -- Can you request validation.......:
    Nave offered up some great advice. Since you didn't acknowledge this one either, I think you may have missed the answer.

    Robin's 4th posting (3rd standalone thread) -- I'd like to hear from you...:
    ng and uniondiva took the time to answer. uniondiva in particular offered up some excellent comments. No acknowledgment from you.

    Robin's 5th posting -- Re: Another Status -Five Months Into It:
    In this one, you were nice enough to offer compliments to whyspers regarding credit repair success. No question was asked; no answers offered.

    Robin's 6th posting (4th standalone thread) -- need help please:
    Kinetix gave you a detailed answer which you acknowledged. You then asked for an address for "The Credit Store" but I think that was missed since no one answered. Go to "" and you'll find all their information there.

    Robin's 7th posting (5th standalone thread) -- when all else fails, if I need to file suit:
    You mentioned you might be filing suit against a CA or CRA soon. LKH, who has had great success with his lawsuits, answered "Need to know the circumstances and reasons for suing. Then we can lay out play book." Looks like he was poised to offer up some great advice, but you must have missed that invitation, since you never answered his question.

    Robin's 8th posting (6th standalone thread) -- What if I don't get the cards?:
    A really active conversation ensued in this thread, but you never responded to anyone. Those who participated in answering you here were lbrown59, Smitty, mindcrime2, and mike101.

    Robin's 9th posting (7th standalone thread) -- I need the experts for this one:
    You posted this just today (March 5). It was the first one to not yet glean a response. Please remember that it sometimes takes some time for people to read postings, think about them, and then formulate a response. I sometimes think it would be great if there was a whole list of people here just waiting to answer me instantly, lol, but alas that's not the case. You were nice enough to acknowledge that you've received a lot of help here so far: "First let me say thank you for all the valuable help I have received from everyone here. I really appreciate it." (I'm confused by your more recent contradictory statement regarding this, though -- sorry.)

    Robin's 10th posting -- Re: Needa Form for Judgement Settlement:
    This was posted just today as well. You mentioned you needed a "motion to vacate" template, and KHM provided you one almost instantly! :) You didn't acknowledge that, so I guess you missed it.

    Robin's 11th posting (8th standalone thread) -- Thought I'd let you know.....:
    This is the thread where you complain about never getting any responses (the thread you're currently reading).

    Robin, I'm sorry, but I just think you are way off-base. You post many questions, and you're getting a lot of great advice. Unfortunately, you seldom acknowledge the answers you do receive. I would suggest that you go back to your earlier postings so that you'll benefit! I certainly wish you well.

  10. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member I go to find a bankruptcy post of a few days ago to bump it up for some

  11. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Doc, you are right and I apologize. There have been several instances where I did not respond and the reason is because I checked the box to email me when there is a response and the last email I received was regarding the green cards. Again...I will reiterate that I am thoroughly grateful that a board like this even exists and believe me I am not looking for a free ride on the back of all your experiences. I just really had no idea where to start and I thought it would be fine to ask here because after all that is what the board is for. When we begin to become proprietary about the information for fear that someone is looking for a free ride after you have worked so hard we hurt ourselves and the CA's and CRA's eventually end up winning as they have for many years. I for one will readily give any information that I have with no problem, I just dont have any yet :)!! Any way I do get the message and I appreciate all of your input.
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I don't answer posts unless I am 99% sure I have the correct answer. I have succesfully sued and won against 2 CRA's (as of today) and still need ALOT of help.

    Just keep reading and asking you will get help here.

    btw...I posted my new score after 2nd lawsuit today and only got 7 replies to it :(
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    That's cuz we are all pea green with envy, Not to change the subject on this thread, but since I'm posting let me offer my most sincere <cough, sputter> congratulations...heehee. JK,'ve worked hard for it and it is an encouragement to see.

  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Just an FYI to help you out:
    When you click the "send me an email when someone replies" box, you will only get an email if someone clicks on your ORIGINAL post and responds to that one, if someone clicks on someone elses response IN YOUR THREAD, you won't be notified. I learned this the hard way.

    Tuesday and Thursdays I SIT and WAIT for questions I may be able to answer or at least research, so I'm here for ya!!! Sad and pathetic I know.
  15. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Robin, please don't feel that you've done something wrong which would necessitate an apology. Hell, you felt the way you felt, and you were bold enough to post. I don't blame you. Then I felt the way I felt, and I was bold too, lol. Basically, there's some good info in this thread that may benefit other newcomers as well: 1) KHM posted some great info about the email notices for replies. I didn't realize that posters are notified only if the original post was answered (rather than subsequent posts in the thread). 2) Hopefully somebody new will benefit from my reminders about checking older threads for responses and taking time to acknowledge, etc. Only good things ultimately come from getting everything out on the table. What if you'd taken a different approach and DIDN'T start this thread? Then you might go on feeling ignored and maybe even ultimately go away. At that point, you wouldn't benefit and neither would others who will surely benefit from your successes. :)

    By the way, here's another tip for better living, lol. You've got a thread here today that's basically asking for a general gameplan for removing judgements, lawsuits, and the like. Try searching the board using the search tool at the bottom of each page -- I would try typing the words "removing judgements" and "deleting judgments" (two different searches) to see what comes up. You may even include the word "CRA" or "file" in the searches. I would bet that there's a lot of good information here posted weeks or months ago.

    Hey, if you know about "search" already -- been there, done that, etc. -- then just ignore paragraph #2 here, lol. Hopefully that will assist someone else in that case.


    P.S. KHM -- sounds like you and I share the same compulsive addiction to this board, lol.
  16. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Doc: Thanks for the search info I was not aware of that feature. I will surely put it to use immediately. Thanks for all of your comments. Keep em comin'
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Something Breeze taught me, if you don't want a million search results to come back you have to use Quotes. So when Doc put it in quotes thats exactly how you want to do it. It will only bring back results with the 2 words together in a sentence. If you don't use quotes it will bring back ALL threads with EITHER word in it.
  18. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Great KHM, I didn't realize the quote thing either. Thanks for the heads up.

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