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Bankruptcy night...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Mar 3, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    This seems to be the day for bankruptcy questions and I have some myself...lol.

    I've been going through hubby's EQ report and trying to come up with a new strategy and try to fix my previous mistake.

    I've noticed that a lot of the "included in bk" accounts have under the type of account "unknown". Would this be a legitimate reason for disputing the account? Afterall...if it isn't complete, it isn't accurate, right?

    Also, will they respond to a dispute on a bk noted account if you dispute late pays and date of last activity? I know this one, but want to make sure I really know it and am not making it up in my mind (which I do sometimes...lol).

    And last but not least, the Discover bk noted file says TERMINATED. Not closed by credit grantor. It wasn't terminated...it was discharged. Is this a valid dispute?


  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

  3. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I can't answer your questions. Sorry about that. But I am expecting results from my Bk disputes any time now. I just disputes the accounts as not mine. I'll post the results when I get them
  4. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I just read Robins complaint about people not answering questions. So I want to add something to my previous reply here. The reason I disputed as "not mine" is because I studied the old and new BK posts here on the board by the Marie's, Jim's and Kelly's etc. here. These people appear to know what they are doing. I noticed that the "not mine" approach seemed to be the way to go based on what they said.
  5. Michael

    Michael Member

    I tried the not mine approach to disputing and successfully deleted about 25% of them. I then redisputed, specifying incorrect information in the CRA record and another 25% dropped. All in all, 50% deletions in the course of several months. I just called Experian on the phone, got their 800 number and they are fixing one of the included in BK entries that was being listed as both oweing 5000 bucks and being discharged.

    BTW, it appears that these included in BK accounts do nothing to my FICO scores. They delete and my score stays the same.

    scores in the low 600s.
  6. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    I would dispute this with the CRA. It may just fall off. What report is this on?
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Wow...thanks for your comments, guys! The TERMINATED statement is on Equifax and I don't seem to have gotten the hang of really disputing well with them yet :(

    As an update to my "Mistakes" thread...got a letter back from Experian today on my husband's dispute saying they couldn't access his file with the info he provided. I said "YES!" so I get a second chance with them. Perhaps Equifax will come back with something similar and I can get a better shot with them as well.

  8. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    terminated is an odd word. I've actually never seen that one.

    FYI: I prefer not to use "not mine" if it is... that would give me little room to sue ;)

    If I were you, I'd do a "Please delete the X account I have never had a terminated X account. Please delete".

    See if the dispute gets taken. If so, you have a chance for a drop.

    FYI: old accounts are tied to addresses (it's one of the verifying items). when I moved and then took off my old address and then disputed, I got much better results.

    Fortunately for me, most of my accounts had whopping errors, so deletions were easier :)

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