Guess what, I was chatting with Kit tonight and was told how to see the dispute in progress information online, that did not work for me, so I just logged on the Credit Expert anyways... Well I noticed when the report page popped up that I had one less negative account and one more positive.. so I thought must be the JC Penney card.. well I take a look at it and it says... Verified and updated on 3-2002. It went from (2) 30 days (1) 60 days (1) 90 days *closed at customer's request (which they actually did) to -- Open/Never Late!!!! The open date is 12/96!! This ages my report substantially!! I was 19 Ok, so now my only worry is that this will be updated again now that it is open and next time will reflect different data?? What does everyone think? This is exciting for me, my first change, and it seems good! The other 3 items I disputed say they are still being investigated..... BTW, the score part of CE has not updated...
I had a similar thing happen. A closed derog account suddenly changed to open. I just looked at a month later and it is now closed but paid as agreed. You will probably be successful.
Radiohead- thats good news, YEAH!! FYI. to use the experian "check invetigation status" function you have to enter the report number from the day you made the disputes. If you are using CE, it is likely that you are checking in daily and the report number changes each time you log-in to see your report. A newer report number cannot be used to check past disputes - learned this the hard way. Hope that made sense...