Macy's and Experian

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Mar 6, 2002.

  1. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    From all indications I thought Macy's would pull Equifax for Texas. So I applied. Nope they pulled Experian only! Denied! Another wasted inquiry. The rep said they pull the CR which offers them the cheapest rate. This really makes me mad because Experian maintains inaccurate data for me then sells it! They get rich by keeping a file on me. I didn't ask them to keep a file on me. They charge me money if I want to look at the file I didn't ask them to keep. They refuse to change this file if it's wrong. They even sell my personal information to anyone who wants to buy it. Somethin's gotta change. This is not right. It all sounds like mafia activity.
  2. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    I'm going to sue them! Experian has duplicates and get this...I have a letter from a creditor ordering deletion. EQ and TU deleted within a few days. But Experian hasn't! What's wrong with them! They only understand law suits! What's Macy's highest limit? If it's $5000 then that's what my damages will be! If the account had been deleted and the double reporting didn't exist I would have been approved! They think the public have to take whatever they dish out! Well I'm tired and I want it to stop!
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Ran across some case law today that proved interesting reading. A guy sued the local credit bureau and was awarded punitive damages and attorney fees. A jury found that the defendant had failed to comply with requirements of the FCRA and that the non compliance was willful. They were using a system that did not include independant verification of outstanding judgments or unsatisfied mortgages or liens and in one instance even continued reporting after the statute of limitations had run out on one judgment.

    Anyway...the court apparently calculated punitive damages based upon the defenant's income and net worth pursuant to Rupert v. Sellers. This is an old case (1975) but interesting reading. Nitti v. Credit Bureau of Rochester, Inc., et al.

  4. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member


    If you have a good case, sue their butts, I can't wait until I get some dirt on the CRAs and CAs, it is only a matter of time... I will file suit and enjoy it.

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