Recently I applied for a refinance with Countrywide and a tri-merge report was pulled . The local Countrywide person showed me the 3 collections from 1996 and 1997 that show "unpaid". I paid 2 of these in 1996 and the one in 1997. I have to deal with the local EQuifax and have over 20 copies of reports since then that show all 3 of these paid. I also have written receipts from each collection company showing all 3 being paid. I just ran my EQ a day after they did and EQ shows all of them paid. Evidently the EQ info on the tri-merge is pulled from EQ in Atlanta and not my local Ohio CSC EQuifax affiliate. Why is my local EQ report accurate but the Atlanta EQ not? Are they purposely doing this to jack my rates or cause me to be denied? Can I take legal action? Countrywide wants to charge me 7% instead of 6.8% because of this. Also, Household CC denied me awhile back due to things on my EQuifax report. Could the main EQ office be showing vendors that these collections are unpaid which is not true. Need advice on how to clear this up. Thanks
I'm just sue happy lately, but sounds like you may have a case. Especially having your old reports, and having a copy of the merged report. These CRA's should NOT have "affiliates", it screws everything up more. I have a Tu affliate and every month my affiliate has to take off a C/O because the Penn. office puts it back on, under my maiden name.