I sent out 4 validation letters and forgot to put my address header on the letters so basically I am screwed. The address is on the envelope but because I added that line that they MUST communicate with me by the address provided in the letter and the address in technically not in the letter but on the envelope they are home free for now. Even if they don't catch on at the dispute stage in the CRA they are sure to see the discrepency and point out that that is why they did not respond in the thirty days. Because the address was not listed in the letter. Really didn't want to have to send out those letters again, look like an idiot to the CA's and pay the money for CRRR all over again. Most importantly though is that I didn't want to start the clock again. Any suggestions?
Just re-send. 4 CRRR's at $3+ a piece is only about 12 bucks...better than wasting 30 days. Who knows though, you just might get someone smart enough to see that they need to respond to you via your return address. I gotta keep hope that 1 out of every 4 are honest people doing an honest job, they just all seem to be on the dark side. Mostly I think it just has to do with the kind of day they are having...you could get lucky as much as you could get no response at all....but then again you could get no response at all even if you HAD a perfectly filled out validation letter. Cheer up -Peace, Dave
Personally *I* wouldn't worry about it. If your account number is on it, no matter if you have moved or not since the debt, they are still not allowed to call you. I wouldn't send the validations again. I would wait out the 30 days and then send the estoppel. Again thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!!
Thanks for everyone's input. Everyone's advice is greatly appreciated. KHM would you mind telling me a little more about your reasoning behind not resending? Since I told them they MUST respond to me in writing at the address specified in the letter and I did not provide said address in the letter, don't they have a loophole where they can simply say there was no address in the letter and we didn't know where to send the validation? I would like to hear your thoughts on this. I think I may resend, I wish I had the fax numbers that way I could just fax them all over and use my confirmation sheet as proof of receipt. I just don't want to have to start all over again 30 days from now. Please advise. P.S: If I resend using FedEx, how do I get proof of receipt scince I will most likely be using my company's Fedex account. They won't mind if I send something out FedEx it's just that I may not ever see the billing statement for proof on paper that the package was recieved. Again, Please Advise.
How long have you lived at your current address? If they have updated/accessed your credit report since you have lived at your current address, then they KNOW where you live. Instead of sending the same letter, you could always send a "reminder" letter 15 days from when they signed the first letter. Including your address in this one. If they can get your phone number they can get your address. If any of them have half a brain, they will know the address you are referring to is the same one on the envelope.
For all your collectors needs try here. You may be able to find a fax number to the CA there. http://www.collector.com/Template.cfm?Section=AgencyMemberRoster&NavMenuID=280 Also to further answer your question, if you placed your account number on the letter, and they sent any letters to your current address, or you incured the debt at this address all the more reason to not worry about it.
KHM: I think I'll go with sending a 15 day reminder at the end of thirty days. If they can assert they were prepared to answer the validation but they did not have the address, then they must respond to the 15 day validation with the address on it. I have been living at my present address for (2) years now and they have accessed my credit report several times since then and sent notices to my home so I know they have my address. Also, the address is on the envelope. Honestly, I really think that most of them won't even catch on and will send the validation or (not) to the address they have on file when they pull the account number. But just in case I'll send the 15 day reminder w/address as soon as the thirty days are up.
Robin, I think you might have misunderstood. I would send a 15 day reminder 15 days from the date you sent the first letter (the one without the address). BUT seeing as they HAVE accessed your reports, they have your address. I would just wait 30 days and send the estoppel. Keep the copies of your reports where they pulled your reports, showing the inquiry. They are "SUPPOSEDLY" pulling your report to "locate" you.