Has anyone heard of any additional news as to who's gonna buy FCNB? Also--and I know this was probably covered in another thread dealing with other CCs--what would this mean as far as account aging and other reporting issues, assuming that there are no screw-ups with the transition? wajaba
I did too apparently. I just got an FCNB card because everyone was saying how good they were. I choked laughing when they told me what my cl was though...lol. This one doesn't even qualify for the term toy card. I'll send this to my daughter who is away at boarding school and make her an au...lol. Seriously...that's how low the limit is! L
Yep, it looks like they're looking for a buyer. Here's a link to the article: http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/020221/200202211831000739_4.html It surprised me, too. I was just wondering if anyone had any wild guesses as to who might be the potential buyers... wajaba
Citibank seems to be buying the farm lately maybe they'll pick up FCNB. I wonder what Citibanks percentage of available credit is...ok bad credit joke.