Got my Equifax dispute back, they verified almost everything, I got late pays off of one credit card, but they changed it to an installment account? Genius. They even verified duplicates. I do not see how if you have a negative account, that one CRA will verify, yes the (1) 90 days stands, and the other one state, yes the (1) 30 days stands, ... for instance... If they are trully verifiying with the creditor, wouldnt the creditor verify same exact info?? Pick either the 90 or the 30, but do not give me different stories!!!
I *really* think the person who believed they verified from the tape was right on target. After speaking with two of the creditors who were supposed to fix errors, one removed, one updated to positive, they say they were never contacted. Something is definately fishy going on. There is also case law to support that the credit reporting agency may have to look outside its own resources to verify accurate reporting. L
A*The CRA lies because they didn't contact the creditor. B*If the CRA actually does contact the creditor the creditor just repeats the lie they originally told the CRA. SomeThing FISHY Going On-Either way it's a WHALE of A TAIL !
Ask for a procedural description. When I did they could not produce one. Further, I have evidence from the CA's that there was a mistake by reporting these accounts. How then did Equifax "verify?"
Funny I spoke to Equifax today they managed to verify 5 student loans I had disputed for the umpteenth time because they are reporting dates of default as date acct opened and date paid off (i consolidated)as date of last activity. The rep I spoke to told me she was sorry and had her own problems with her student loans in correctly reporting..anyhow she said "write this down,we verify only by tape,no matter what ,if we called them they would prolly be able to give us correc t info but we don't so as long as tape has wrong date we will keep verifying wrong info, she then gave me the numbers for dept of ed and said make them give u a letter or call our business dept. Also even t hough i was able to tell her hey cant you just say whats the date of deliquency cuz when u ask date o f last ac tivity t hey are giving date of payment, c an 't you change wording..her answer nope all done via tape can only su bmit one way. sheesh and they wonder why people go postal
Personally, and I know I'm a novice, but I think they send out the disputes, if they hear back with a change, they change it, but if they hear nothing, they just rely on their last 'tape' update for verification. I am going to work on a procedure letter.
Too dang bad that call wasn't recorded. I was slap the biggest damn Federal lawsuit on them they had ever seen. I wonder if I can get a dipshit person to tell me that, because I will dang sure have the call being recorded. That is NOT verifying!!!!