What can show on a CR?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DanceRat, Mar 6, 2002.

  1. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member

    Okay, I am a newbie, but I can't really find the answer to this... What can show up on a credit report? If it can be covered under the FCRA or the FDCA (sp) it can show? Does it have to be debt related to a household or personal something? I know child support can show, and taxes. Can fines? Non loan items? Is there a listing somewhere?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member


    Has a good summary of the items. Scroll down a bit.

    The Items that can be included in your report and must be excluded from your report and for what length of time, are a combination of sections within the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) which spells out more of the specifics for reporting times and included items, and other acts like the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

    Here is a good site with some of the full texts.

    The FDCA(sp?) which you refer is probably the FDCPA which is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and covers more of the collection agencies rules of conduct.

    All the initials seem confusing but the points contained within are all out there for searching on the CreditNet site...just search using the button on the top of the page.

    Hope that helps.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    They can put anything on your report they want to.There are no restrictions.
    There is no list.The only requirement is that it be accurate,which is seldom the case.
  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member


    You'll find that Quantity of posts does not always equal quality. This is something that you will find out for yourself. But just as a little speed start to your learning curve I thought I'd point it out.

    In general, you'll get good info from people who have experienced what your asking for or have learned it here from others, as you will. Some just can't resist pushing the quote button, generally 2 or more times per post.

    And oddly enough, replying to a single post in a thread multiple times, will artificially inflate your # of posts statistic.
  5. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, Pat. I was using ignore, but ended up confused over missing posts so I turned it back on :::sigh:::

    At any rate...it is interesting to me that you supposedly cannot be denied credit due to marital status, and yet they can report a divorce action on your credit report...which theoretically could lower your FICO.


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