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My first CLEAN report!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ozzyburger, Mar 9, 2002.

  1. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    I just pulled my TU report and nearly fell out of my chair!!!

    I *finally* have a clean report - no negatives as far as the eye can see!

    Thank you to whomever suggested I dispute a department store card as being '7 years old and to please delete'. Technically it was due to stay on my report until 9/02, but by some miracle, it finally came off my report. I'd disputed it every other way known to man to no avail. Came back verified each time. This was my last hope other than to just wait it out.

    My report looked like this on 9/6/01:

    11 negatives
    22 positives
    Score: 635

    My report now looks like this on 3/9/02:

    0 negatives
    34 positives
    Score: 674

    The score isn't a big change I know - during the process my score plummeted to 622 and got as high as 707 (but then Citi and Sears had to fiddle with my report). Plus I had opened some new accounts so the new accounts and the inquiries hurt some. Also, I didn't actively pursue fixing my report until late November.

    I'm still pretty excited over my first clean report! Now if that department store card would just fall off of the other 2 reports!!!!

    Oh.. just an FYI - with this nearly 7 year old negative being changed to a positive - I did not gain one single point. Guess I should just be glad it's not listed as negative anymore - and that I didn't LOSE any points!!

    Had to share - it CAN be done!

  2. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I have one neg on my TU. I hope to get it corrected sometime soon to have my first clean report. Your success is my encouragement.
  3. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

  4. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Thanks Killer & lg - my poor hubby woke up to me rambling endlessly about one clean report and the distinct aroma of Vicks Vapor Rub .<G>....apparently not everyone likes to hear about credit issues at 4:30 in the morning... or maybe he was trying to ignore me 'cuz of the Vicks <vbg>???

    Oh well.. smelly or not, I got me one groovy, clean TU report. =-)

  5. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member

    way to go
  6. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Ozzy, that's great! I'm sure the score will go up over time now. As you can see all that hard work pays off!
  7. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    congratulations. persistence pays off!!
  8. spiderman

    spiderman Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the clean report! I'm 2 entries (same one on Equifax and Transunion) from a clean report. Experian cleaned up last month.

    I don't think the negative being off Transunion or Equifax will help my scores much, because of its age.

    But, I get tired of explaining it everytime I seek a loan!
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    That is fantastic, Ozzyburger! LOL, I've been following the ups and downs of your journey, and it's nice to see everything proceeding so positively!

  11. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    This is crazy. I just pulled my hubby's report - his report is now clean too (yipppee!). HOWEVER.... his score went from 714 5 days ago - to 674 today....only thing that changed was that negative account being moved to positive. I'm stunned... and annoyed.

    What's extra weird is his TU score and my score are identical (yet I have a busier credit history than him). Our Equifax scores are identical - they were within 2 points of each other for a while. And, now get this, our Experian scores are both 704. How can we have EXACTLY the same scores on 3 different reports, each with different info?

    George, I think you're onto something with your random number generatory theory.. (err.. fact, sorry <g>)....

  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the clean report. Feels good doesn't it? As far as the TU score goes, ignore it. It is wrong and is usually way off by about 50 -75 points. They created it because of our screaming for scores. The only way to get an accurate TU score is to have someone pull it for you.
  13. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    That is sooo great to hear ozzyburger... it gives me hope... just started all of this end of last year, and after several successful rounds of disputes, I am down to 6 to 10 negs per report... i know it will feel wonderful to finally get a clean report!!

    Operation 600 also underway... close enough to smell it...
    "official scores"
    TU 585
    EXP 613
    EQ 552 (maybe higher??)
  14. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Congratulations...TU was my first as well.

    You always remember your first one.

    Keep going the others will clean up in time.

    -Peace, Dave
  15. ariellesma

    ariellesma Active Member

    Thanks for giving me hope that it can happen :0)


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