Done with my first round... disputed 4 items... One had multiple late pays, closed by consumer.. Now is open. never late... Ok I'll take that! 3 Charge offs... One verified, 2 deleted!! One night I got pissed, haha, and disputed all inquiries.. well guess what... ALL inquiries deleted. hahah how did that happen? By the way... Equifax verified this impossible chargeoff to verifiy.. and Experian deletes... hmmmmm. Ok, maybe I do not love Experian, but they are way better then these other 2 in my books!
I loved Experian too until this last bought with them. These last two are like pulling teeth. They are by far, though, the easiest to deal with IMHO. Equifax is the WORST! L
Whyspers, I agree with you totally. I started with 12 negatives on my EX report. I am down to three and getting those SOBs removed has been hell. I just sent in disputes on two of them via snail mail (They won't let me dispute via net anymore). I am getting ready to try out the nutcase letter if this fails because these accounts are paid off and closed. Illini
Hey Radiohead - what's been the difference in your score w/deletion? I had a 60 day removed from 99 and my score went from 639 to 647 Started 1/12/2002 with 9 negatives, down to 2...Sears and J.C.Pennys, and they've sworn to verify to the death GT
I am not sure yet... CE score does not seem to be working for me... So far every deletion has netted me a point each, but this can not be right. I should get a decent boost, all Inquiries are gone, 3 negs gone, and 1 dissapeared on its own as well.