takin' a break from credit....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Mar 9, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I have enjoyed my time here and have learned ALOT!! I have succesfully sued and won against 2 CRA's for money plus ALL deletions. I have one in the works and will probably be settling early this week for $3K and deletions as well.

    I was obsessed at one point where I read 24/7. I still read a few times a day but not like I used to. I have become "bored" with credit repair. Maybe because I've been doing it 24/7 since March 2001 for me, Mom, several friends and relatives.

    I will still be reading daily but probably not posting as much. I've got to put my efforts on something like "diet and exercise". I will miss the fun and the experiences of everyone. I wish everyone good luck and remember you WILL succeed.

    I just need a short-term break to think about other things and quit stressing over why my score is only 669 and not 732 or piddly shit like that.

  2. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    Good luck, Christi! I have enjoyed reading your journey, and hope i can be as successful! Let us know when your mission is completed with the outcome of equisux! Take care...
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Well, Christi, speaking for me, I'll miss you. I thought I was hot dookie with my lawsuits and settling for tradeline deletions. Then you came along and got the same thing and a few thousand dollars from the CRAs, lol. You sure know how to keep a guy's ego in check. :)

    I remember back during the infamous flame war of mid-to-late 2001 (I won't say their names) how suspicious a few of us got (ok, paranoid is the better word) that every newcomer might be just another alias for one of those two guys. Then I unthinkingly accused you of being one or the other of them for a really dumb reason, and you came back with, "Gosh, you knucklehead, didn't you even take the time to notice that I've been here since March 2001, for god's sakes?" Boy, did I feel terrible. Seriously. I think I apologized until you simply pitied me for being so pathetic, lol. Hell, I'm still apologizing. I deserved a flogging that day.

    Anyway, somehow because of that mistake I made, and because we both shared an interest in bringing small claims suits against the CRAs, and because we both enjoyed helping others here, and because we both work in health care although in different areas... anyway, because of those connections, I have actually always felt a personal connection and respect for you and always read everything you posted.

    I will miss your daily participation, Christi, but I think you're doing the healthy thing. I'm addicted to this board too and really need to monitor that. In any event, I'm glad you plan on coming back around from time to time -- you certainly have a lot to teach others here.

    All the best to you down there in Texas! :)


    P.S. The reason your scores aren't higher is because when you got rid of all the bad stuff, your reports were sparse with respect to long-term accounts (i.e., no Chase bank card since 1987). Don't sweat that. You let your new excellent credit accounts age one to two years, and you'll watch those scores float right up into the 700 club faster than you can say "Creditnet addiction," lol. Mark my words. You're there. Celebrate.
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Dang Doc...you got me all sappy now :)

    I got an email from Marie and decided to check in and read one more time before turning in tonite and you had to post such nice things.

    I seriously doubt I'll quit creditnet cold turkey, just gonna have to limit my time here from 17 hrs a day to maybe 2 hrs a day. My daughter needs my attention and hubby thinks I have a boyfriend on here...lmao. Like I need another man (got one I don't know what to do with). And why in the heck would I with my 414 (begining FICO) come to a credit board looking for a man with a 425 FICO? Man we would be going nowhere fast right...lol.

    I just need to focus on getting OFF my @$$ and doing something. When you're in the chair in front of the computer so many hours you have a permanent "computer" pillow to sit on, you're here too damn much!!!

    I still aim to sue 2 collections agencies and hope to work a great deal with Equifax. I have some prime credit and that was my ultimate goal. I remember I posted once I didn't care if my score stayed 400 as long as I had "prime credit cards". I wished I could find that link...........(hehe).

    As far as ego in check, Doc I truly respect you. You ALWAYS take your time to find links to post for people that ask questions. You are a great resource on this board and I love to read your posts, and you have a good sense of humor :)
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Good luck Christi,

    thanks a lot for the advice and support. the 500 club will miss you, but i doubt that i will be a member long myself.
  7. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Good luck, christi.

    You are an inspiration.

    Especially that 1 post where you got mad for no one answering your posts! I really enjoyed that one, because I knew how you felt.

    Anyway, I hope all stays well. I will be in the 700 club soon. Have to stay positive, right!!
  8. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    So long Christi,

    You're an inspiration thats for certain.

    Thanks for answering emails early on in my repair process. They were of great help.

    Be Well

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