Do not have enough CC calls to do the sci-fi. So I am doing a movie about a young girl with sickle cell who wants to be a musician. ( some what about my life) I feel with working and my credit cards I can get the movie made.
Good for you, Brenda! I'll take my whole family to see it! (Just no nudity or violent content...I have a little L
Brenda, Here's a link you might be interested in. I didn't search the whole website, but it pertains to financing movies, they have a message board etc...
Yes Rina,Thank you Christi, Whyspers I hope it will have a pg 13 rating, The Character has tried to kill her self and has had alot of pain in her life so there will be some hard stuff . ] Theme:: A young Girl with sickle cell fights to become a Musician , and to find her place in life.