QUICK, PLEASE burst my bubble!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Gillian, Mar 11, 2002.

  1. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    Ok, I have been working on both my reports and my husband's reports. I disputed a lot of things on both. My husband's Equifax score was 601 on 2/2/02. I disputed some things that were removed, but I could not get on to myfico for him for about 2 weeks now, so I did not know his new score. In the meantime, I also got him a Home Depot card and that is already reporting. I finally was able to get on to see a score,it was 796!!!!!! Some things were removed and some things (like major balance differences) were updated, but a 796??? This is what he has on his report:
    Cap One card- no balance, two 30 day lates
    Chase Auto Lease-two 30 day lates
    A local bank auto loan-closed/never late
    Sears (authorized user) LOTS of lates 3 30's, 3 60's, 4 90+
    Home Depot-just opened THIS WEEK

    The Cap One lates are being disputed and the Sears account is being disputed as an authorized use account only. Is his score higher because these are in dispute? This just must be what it is, although I have never noticed that my scores were down while disputing. I just don't get it, though....how could this be a 796report with all those late pays????

    As a side note, I laughed when Equifax said in the explanation that he is considered an "excellent buyer".....if the bills were left up to him, he would not pay anything on time!! The only reason he does not have more lates is because I pay the bills!! And, here my scores are still sitting in the high 500's!!! Go figure!

  2. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    WOW I am extremely impressed!
  3. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    I know...I am shocked over it being Equifax....this has got to be wrong, doesn't it??? I don't want to get excited and think HOUSE to soon!!!

  4. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Wow! I hope you are thinking of how you can most benefit from this.
  5. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    LOL....my first thought was who pulls equifax and can I apply TONIGHT!! And to think if I had not found this board, it would still be 601!!!
  6. ng

    ng Well-Known Member


    Keep your printed reports w/ scores. I am sure it is there to stay just have hard copy backup.

    I need your secret because Equifax will do nothing for me.

    Now is the time to apply

    Shoot for the Moon!!!
    I am still in awe.

  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    First, may I suggest that you get him OFF that autorized user status. It is the EASIEST thing in my experience to have removed. Also, when you apply for those cards they will see your score WITH all that negative stuff. So although the score is WAY GOOD I am afraid it has to be incorrect.
  8. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    The lates that are being disputed ARE NOT factored into the score.
  9. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Anything in dispute is not factored into the score on MYFico.
  10. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    This is what I suspected, but NONE of my scores went up during disputes. I wonder why mine did not go up during this time. Certainly makes more sense that way. Ahhhh....what a great score to see for a moment!!!
  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    That's odd...my husband's score didn't go up any on EQ when we disputed three accounts listed there and they are showing they are being investigated. Does this mean these three accounts are not affecting his FICO whether they are there or not?

  12. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Gillain as was posted the AU sears account should be easy to get off, then if the cap one lates aren't removed, his score may go down, but I don't see it taking a major nosedive. By the way how old is the sears account??
  13. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    See, that is a good question. Although, it makes perfect sense that his scores are incorrect (601-796???), I just looked again at my report and score. My score was 581. I disputed 2 CO (one paid, one unpaid), 2 collections and some lates. These are currently listed as in dispute. My score is now 584. It makes NO sense that those things would only be worth 3 points!!!
  14. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    After you dispute and view another report look at your reasoning codes, if you disputed all your negatives and have an inflated score, your reasoning factors should not include the negatives. I have disputed in the past and in my experience the disputes were not factored in and when I spoke with fair isaac, they told me the same thing as well as a supervisor and legal department of Equifax.
  15. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    I have disputed the Sears. This account was opened in 1989, but the latest late is 3/01 (60 days). Actually, his scores may go down after because it is his oldest account. I know they won't be 601, though....we got rid of some biggies. When all is said and done, I am hoping for at least high 600's to low 700's. Thanks for your input!!
  16. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    Bailey, I just applied on 3/5 with Countrywide for a refinance. At the time I had 2 EQ tradelines in dispute both negative in nature. I pulled my own report from myfico.com before calling Countrywide. The score I got was 680 with the two in dispute. I can tell you my score was the same before the dispute. Countrywide pulled a tri-merge report. They stated my EQ score was 680 the same as the MYFICO score. They stated all items in dispute count towards my score when they pull a report. They told me that disputing all your negatives and hoping they will not count is a myth?? Just reporting what I was told. If this is true then why is my score the same regardless of what I have in dispute? Just asking.
  17. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Well I have alot of experience with Equifax and items in dispute. ( mortgage & car loan) And everytime my score was pulled during dispute the item wasn't factored in. The myth they may be referring to is the item itself, that is always visible, just noted item under dispute. As the fair isaac rep and Equifax legal department told me, they can't factor in your negative item when calculating your scores, b/c you are technically disputing the item in question and why that is being invesitigated they can't factor it in.

    This has been my experience and what I was told and it seems to make sense, if you are disputing the accuracy of an item, until it is resolved it shouldn't affect your scores until it is verified.

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