Dani I have read many of your posts with abject objectivity. In this case there is an inherent flaw in your reasoning. Much of what you espouse in the manner of what is moral and what is not moral is based on your own person perspective shaped by your life. the world is much bigger than that. Your clearly and honestly stated you have had a blessed life. I give you credit for your candor. In saying that perhaps there is room for a different thought process if your situation should ever change? Think on that, Let's change the picture, say you had an exstended lay-off or an illness which resulted in your inability to pay your obligations. Thus resulting in a very bad credit rating. With what you have learned on this board good and bad would you stand by and wait 7-10 years for your credit to clear when you know there are legal, perhaps not moral methods to change this? What would you do? Now that is the real question and the real test of one's morality. It is easy to be moral and just when there is no presence of adverstity. The laws are on the books for a reason, my personal philosphy is to fight fire with fire. The credit industry is run by profit not morality. this in no way warrants rampant dishonesty. Sometimes you must play the cards you are dealt, until other cards are issued. Example the issue of inquiries. I just bought a car. I filled out 2 credit aplications, the whole process got me 15 inquiries per report! A few were code AUTO most were not. I disputed 13 inquires per report. The inquires are accurate, however the penalty is heavy for their presence on my report. So I disputed them. Now this is the tricky area, am I wrong morally for disputing 13 factual inquiries? Am I wrong for not taking the point hit for 6-24 months depending on the creditors becaue of so said inquires? I am working with the tools I am given, if the creditors would do what they were suppose to do encode all AUTO and FICO would numerical assign all of those inquiries as one. I would not do this. As you and several people on this board know that is not the case. Many of the situations listed on these boards are a result from misfortune some from plain old irresponsiblity. To be succint why suffer when you don't have too?
Sub4Prime, you make several outstanding points in your agrument. I lead a very blessed life and my outstanding debt is not enough to cripple me if I was to lose my job or was diagnoised with a sudden illness. I understand people are hit with hard times, death of a spouse, their own illness, divorce, sudden unemployment. I would never condone one of the above of lacking morals if they were to file BK or could not pay their bills. There are times in life that people can't keep up. If my spouse was to die would I care if my bills were paid...of course not. There are some things that overtake more meaning then whether I made the car payment on time or if my cable bill was paid. BK is to be used for the above reasons to offer those that were hit with sudden hard times to make a fresh start. I don't think anyone with a heart would disagree with me. What I don't agree with is personal financial irresponsibility. No death took place, no divorce occured, no illnesses, etc. You can talk to me until you're blue in the face and I will not change my mind. I have worked seven days a week for months at a time (without a day off) to make sure my bills were paid on time and to save money. No pair of Jimmy Choo shoes is worth not meeting my financial obligations. I was raised to work hard, play by the rules, and you will get what you need to survive. My husband was raised that you do what you need to to get by (as he likes to plainly state to me, I have never been poor and do not understand). He is probably right. I don't understand. I have no doubt I will get lamblasted (if there is such a word) for my response, but these are my views. I hope everyone has a good day. Dani
Dani Bravo, your post was very well said and I for one agree 110%. I used to be a regular on this board for a long time, but I have mainly lurked b/c I feel this board has changed alot and the main focus of what I used to appreciate how been lost. This board has taught me alot and I have met some wonderful people here. Best of luck to you Dani
Momof3 (or anyone else, for that matter), I'm curious...because I've only been here since Jan, what was the original focus of the board and how has it changed?
A*This is only one of the reasons why using credit scores to price insurance and loans ought to be outlawed. All Most All scores are very very low compared to what they should be.The con game is rigged up that way. B*Again I state the issue is not the consumers motive the question is.is it ok for The credit Ind. to violate the law? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I don't know anyone else's thoughts concerning the change in the board, but I can tell you how I feel it has changed. I have been posting on Creditnet since December 2000. Since then we have lost an insane amount of valuable people and information. Momof3, Roni, Edgar, NanaC, judyputy, Erica, dogman, the list goes on. The view then was we were family. We helped each other with problems, cheered each others wins, and offered advice and condolences for each others defeats. The goal (at least in my opinion) was to not only better our own credit, but to help others in doing the same. The problem occurred when "others" (those who just felt like starting an agrument) would critcize the teachings and the advice. Fights would escalate and every other thread was filled with senseless name calling. The "regulars" then began leaving. Some still tune in from time to time - psychdoc, LKH, Saar, Marie, and marci just to name a few. But the family feeling has kind of vanished. People now come to get the information they need and leave, instead of sharing what they have learned with others. Just my view. Hope this helps. Dani
The credit industry is Misinterpreting and Misusing Both Pos. & Neg. accurate information contained in reports which is as bad as or worse than them reporting inaccurate Info. At least we have some protection of law to help us combat inaccurate Info.where as in the other case there is no protection of law. **************
Right on, Dani There will always be someone who does not agree with someone elses view,but that's okay(it is what makes us different). I have been on this board for about 2 1/2 years(even though I do not post much),but people seem to come to criticize instead of helping. I am from the old school of helping your fellow man,but you don't know if you should let him drink from the cup for thirst or the scorch of his tongue. Sister Girl
1*Should these laws be available to every one or should these tools only be granted to those with high morals and ethics.If so who is going to be the Judge? 2*True but most are the result of false information.
Dani Why would anyone get lamblasted for honest and open discourse? I merely asked some questions and posed some situations to get a better understanding of what was said versus what is thought. It never fails to amaze me how critics are so ruffled by critical thinking. I was raised to work hard, play by the rules, and you will get what you need to survive. My husband was raised that you do what you need to to get by (as he likes to plainly state to me, I have never been poor and do not understand). He is probably right. I don't understand. I have no doubt I will get lamblasted (if there is such a word) for my response, but these are my views. So was I, however life has taught me a few more lessons. You can play by the rules and still get screwed and not have what you need. I am in full accord with your husband, you do what you need to do to make it. It took a divorce which is akin to financial rape and a lay off to fill my heart with more compassion than previously considered for those in dire striats. I never endoresed financial irresponsiblity, I was just making some points regarding some of your posts, I will repeat some of your posts that smacked of a "holier than thou theme" In this internet community when one puts their thought process out there it is going to be examined. I have made my share of transgression on this board, no one is perfect, this was just my observation for today. On this issue I suppose we will have to agree to disagree on the really small differences that seperate our thinking. hmmmmm let the lam-blasting begin...LOL
Originally posted by Sub4Prime [/i] Why would anyone get lamblasted for honest and open discourse? I merely asked some questions and posed some situations to get a better understanding of what was said versus what is thought. It never fails to amaze me how critics are so ruffled by critical thinking. When making my views known. I had a feeling this would occur. You state that I'm not being "lambasted", but please read your post below. Originally posted by Sub4Prime I never endoresed financial irresponsiblity, I was just making some points regarding some of your posts, I will repeat some of your posts that smacked of a "holier than thou theme" Please repeat some of my posts that smacked of a "holier than thou theme". I would love to read them. I have never claimed to be better than anyone else on this board. Most of my views I tend to keep to myself because I did not want a reaction such as this to occur. Dani
I've been a member of this board since November 2001. Not nearly as long as some of you, I know. However, just because I'm one of the newer members does not mean I'm here to "come and get the information I need and leave". I may have only been a member so far for 4 or 5 months, but I'm here daily, and I try to contribute as much help to others as I can. Yes, most of the information I can offer can only help those who are newer than I am (because alot of the knowledge I've learned has come directly from the older members of the board), but we all have to start somewhere. And I do feel that I've come a long way since my first day as a member. Also, whenever I come across information that I feel will benefit others, whether they're a new member or old, I pass it along in hopes of obtaning not only my own goals, but in hopes of helping others as well. Just my thoughts.
mindcrime, I was not referring to the those that post regularly on the board. You have helped a great deal of people on this board with your willingness to contribute. I was referring to those that post a couple times and then leave. I don't think anyone that has posted 40, 50, 300+ posts has the intention of leaving, at least anytime soon. I'm sorry I did not make myself clear. Dani
Dani, Thank you for your appreciation. Just as you are, I'm here for the long haul, and here to help others whenever possible. I'm sorry about taking your other post the wrong way.
Mindcrime, you have 600+ posts! I don't think anyone can say that you don't contribute to this board. Have a great day. Dani
I'll just chime in with my worthless two cents...lol. I've been online since 1989 (and before,back when you had to telnet into a local bbb...lol) and in that time, I've had a lot of interests and belonged to a lot of mailing lists and message boards. No matter how close knit the group, there will always be periods where flame wars occur. Its just the nature of the beast. It also tends to happen at certain times (one list I was on was trying to tie it to the moon...but I left before it was ever proven or disproven...lol). My point is...this sort of thing is the norm for any group simply because we are individuals and each have different perspectives. While it can get annoying from time to time, if you see it for what it is, hopefully it won't make you love the group any less. L