Validation sent. Now what?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pcotten, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. pcotten

    pcotten Well-Known Member

    I sent validation letter to a CA and they signed for it on March 1st. So by the end of the month they are supposed provide me with proof right?

    If they fail to respond at all what do I do?

    If they send something that is NOT proof enough, then what?

    Can I demand that they remove the tradeline from CRAs if they fail to rpovide enough proof?

    What is enough proof if they claim I owe a utility bill?

    Before sending validation, I disputed and the CRAs verified within 10 days that it was accurately reported.

  2. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    First: While you are waiting to hear from the ca you can send a procedure request to the cra demanding that they outline the procedure they used to verify the account was being accurately reported i.e. who they spoke with at what number etc etc.. you are legally entitled to this info. If they can not provide it then you would move to step TWO: At the end of thirty days send the estoppel to the ca. Assuming you recieve no response you will take the copies of the letters you sent along with copies of the green cards and demand a reinvestigation by the cra's based on your evidence that the ca's are unable to verify the account. The CRA's must consider your information and will be forced to reinvestigate, at which time the account will most likely be deleted because if the ca could have validated the account they would have done so when you requested it so chances are they won't verify when the cra tries to investigate, earning you a deletion.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    And if the CA does verify where does that leave you???
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Right where I am today...filing suit against the

  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Couldn't happen to a nicer outfit could it?
  6. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Have had some luck getting deletions with providing validation and estoppel letters with green cards AFTER an investigation has begun. I can only speak from my own experience because days after I sent the info the account was deleted. Don't know if what I provided had any impact. Maybe the investigation departments are getting wise to the validation/estoppel program and don't want to get caught in an endless cycle of small claims lawsuits.

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