So I was going through the McDonalds drive-through yesterday, and the guy said ever-so-casually, "Would you like fries with that?" So I responded: "Fries? FRIES? I DIDN'T ORDER FRIES!! AND ANYWAY, why would I want to do YOU a favor by wasting my hard-earned income on non-essential disposable items like fries? Why would I want to facilitate and accelerate the further deterioration of my somatic health with such carbohydrate-laden, deep-fried fodder anyway? Why would I want to contribute any more than absolutely necessary to the financial coffers of one of the most notoriously self-serving multinational corporations whose main goals seem to be the deculturalization and physical pollution of indigenous societies worldwide? Why, I ask you, would I want to do that???" He became very quiet, and after a much longer than usual silence, said only, "That will be three dollars and twelve cents at the second window please." I want to thank everyone on this board. Before I became an active Creditnetter, I surely would have thought twice before delivering that lecture. Now I feel brave enough to act on such impulses wherever I go. You are family to me. Doc
Doc- So let me get this straight, you were insulted that the underpaid, underaged, pimple faced kid wanted to help you speed the weight gain/aging process, by offering you the evil french fry? LOL Some people.....
We have to defend our consumer rights. Doc ME BURGER=1 FRIES=0 COLA=LARGE WIFE TOFU=1 FRIES=0 SLIMFAST=1 McDonalds is going DOWN!
dude you are on sick f*** to pick on a retarted mcdonalds employee, you should be ashamed. They are programmed to respond with those Questions, and do not know better. You should at least pick on people that are semi-armed with half a brain to rebute your debate..
sam, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Doc was just making a sorta tongue-in-cheek commentary on our sometimes misdirected indignance about some of the things we face on this board. I don't think he (or anybody here) is the kind of person that would actually get off on browbeating the fry guy. wajaba
LoL, gee and I thought I was just making my thighs bigger! I had a girl at burger king tell me i had to back down her narrow ally to the first window (i drove by by mistake) to pay...i told her no. Perhaps I too have been invested by the confidence that only this board can bring lol
I'll have to say the short time I've been with this board I've really enjoyed the commentary, and helpfull feed back. This board has it's own resident therapist, who may not be able to personal therapy online, but can damn sure analyze an account. A 'cool' breeze, a Lizard king (anything like a lion king?) a radio head (wonder what stations he or she gets) and many others. Maybe next year you all will have the creditnet gathering on the east coast...preferably Virginia.....
I'll agree with Virginia. Don't the majority live in VA? Sweet, breeze, momof3, me (had to add that one). Anyone else? Even close? Beaker is in MD. Dani