Tried disputing my last two derogs on Ex. - both times they verified. Guess I'm not sure what action I should take now. Should I wait 30/60 days before re-disputing, or try sending a dispute to the creditors themselves (Sears/JC Pennys)?? Sorry for asking an old question, but the search didn't really come up with anything. Thanks all for the help so far. Results have been great (And the point jumps are with my reports being pulled twice last month, so imagine what they could have been)... GT
JCPenney will almost always verify. Send a validation letter to GE Card Services. They took over collecting on JCPenney cards and after a couple of validation letters and an estoppel letter, you should be able to get them to remove it. At least that was my experience. Of course they didn't contact me. After the time ran out from the estoppel letter, I called them and finally got through to a supervisor who cleared it all up for me. Wasn't my account though, so I don't know if that makes a difference...other than they did tell me they did not have any documentation prior to the last year. L
Do you have the address where I can send the validation letter? This item is set to expire on 10/03 so I doubt they'll have a signature on file. GT
GE Card Services P.O. Box 103101 Roswell, GA 30076 (800) 552-5239 After you send the validation letter and they ignore you, send a version of estoppel (but vary it or they will get tired of reading basically the same letter over and over). After those fifteen days are up, call them up and if the person you speak with can't help you, ask to speak with Scott Taylor or ask that he call you back. Mention you really don't want to litigate, but you aren't seeing any alternative if no one will assist you in correcting this situation. Good luck! Hope this works for you! L P.S. I was very nice to them every time I talked to them, but was very firm that I would file suit. I will say again...the JCPenney account wasn't mine. I was an AU. They took hubby's name off and put mine on as the person who opened the account. Didn't even have my SSN!
Thanks for the info! JCP was extremely rude to me, never returned my calls, hung up on me twice, and wouldn't send me any letters. So to me, it's worth fighting them each and every month until the seven year period falls. Sears on the other hand, I haven't been late since 12/99 but I paid them off in Jan so my account is fresh in their minds - They'll get a 60 day breather and then since at first I didn't succeed, try, try again... GT