Pre-dispute vs Post-dispute???????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rhaeny, Mar 15, 2002.

  1. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Ok, I've been on this reading this board constantly for about the past 2 months. Lots of valuable information. I have a post out there on 3/14 that was read but no replys. Maybe someone can help me with this. I made my first dispute a couple weeks ago.

    I had an account that was charged off 8/95 showing a $12k balance. Every month for the past 6 months they have been reporting charge off 8/2001, 9/2001, etc. They showed the account opened date of 1/1997 (after the charge off date???). The company also sued me and won a judgement 6/01 through an outside attorney. So my report showed the orignal creditor charge off of $12k and the judgement of $12k therefore doubling the amount of debt shown to $24k.

    So I disputed that I never opened an account with this company on 1/1997 and to remove.

    The account now shows a charge off 8/95 with a balance of $12k. It now shows the account opened date of 1/1994. Verified and updated, status, etc. as of 3/2002. It now shows that this account is scheduled to stay on until 3/2009.

    This account was scheduled to fall off sometime this year and now they have re-aged it!! I've created a monster. Maybe I shouldn't have screwed with it all since it was going to come off this year. Are their any guidelines about just leaving things that are scheduled to fall off within a certain period of time alone? But this was my first time ever disputing anything and I expected that there is going to be a learning curve. But I think from now on I'll fax or crrr.

    Ok board, I need some help. Where do I go from here? Request procedure, do the FCRA, or just call em up and curse them out?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    First of all you are not alone. Many if not most of us have had this happen and do not think you did anything WRONG. Just remember do NOT use the phone, continue to use CRRR written requests and KEEP ALL RECORDS and copies of responses. Your most important tool/evidence may come from your first report showing the account as listed with original drop off data and dates of last activity.

    What you have to do now is send firm validation letters to the creditor listing the item. At the same time send procedural requests to the CRA(s) requesting details of the verification information.

    If and when you get the green card back from the validation letters, send a second dispute letter to the CRA(s) requesting specific detailed validation information (examples in the sample letters).

    Again you have not made any mistakes, it is just the nature of the beast. Keep at it and keep a detailed history of all communication to the CRA(s) and the creditors/CA's. If you continue doing what you are doing the item will be corrected or you will have evidence to sue for clear violations of the FCRA and FDCPA.

    Good Luck!

    -Peace, Dave
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    This wouldn't be with Experian would it? I'm arguing with them over reaging an account as well. Plan to sue them once the case I just filed is over if the situation doesn't get corrected. No way this thing is staying on three additional years!

  4. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    you guessed it whyspers.
  5. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    thanks Nave. i'm glad you gave such a detailed answer. maybe sometime here in the future i can reach out and help someone else also.

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