I finally was able to get on creditexpert.com and ALL my inquiries are gone. I was hoping to start disputing them..but they disappeared. Did this happen to anyone else?
or could it be that I have so many there are 2 pages and one page is not showing or something? lemme check again...
settlement??? maybe they decided not to take a chance on missing any that were supposed to be deleted, and so they deleted them all...
I guess so, I just checked and there is NOTHING there, but an umbrella bank soft from last nite. I even ordered and paid for a report from "experian" NO INQUIRIES!!! Hmmm...the denials for "excessive inquiries" might could work to my advantage now huh?
reconsideration time. call now before Experian changes anything if citi used experian, you might get the card. amex might still say no b/c of cap1...