What if??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by raiderpam, Mar 16, 2002.

  1. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    You have a collection account ,can you try and send the original creditor a payment without dealing with the ca?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Depends on whether the debt was assigned or sold to the CA that determines if the original creditor can accept payment for the debt. But I always try and deal with original creditors before I deal with the CA. If they do accept payment then you have an easy way to get the CA listings deleted immediately because they are not able to collect on debt that is not legally assigned or sold to them (the debt was paid to the original creditor, how can the CA be reporting anything to the CRA).

    -Peace, Dave
  3. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Thanks dave thats what I was hopeing, Pam
  4. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Why does that word look funny, hopeing should it be hoping, hoped, oh well you all now what I mean
  5. Smitty

    Smitty Well-Known Member

    All I can remember is: "I before E except after C." But I guess that doesn't apply here, huh?

    Reports of my sanity were GREATLY exaggerated!

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    We'll see

    I just paid one of my medical collections that was turned over to a CA over the phone with the original creditor. She didnt even mention that I should contact the CA or anything. A lot of companies will turn you away and tell you to call the CA and will not deal with you, at least in my experiences.

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