Does anyone know about "Lexington Law Firm"? I found this on-line last night. They say you pay them a retainer fee of $75, and $35 per month. In return they dispute your negative debt, and have it removed when possible. I was skeptical at first, but it loks pretty convincing. Please go to Lexington Law Firm Let me know if this loks legit to you. Anyone have experience with them ? Deputy
Our cleaning lady does exactly what she claims she'll do, but she does absolutely nothing we can't do for ourselves either. Regardless, sometimes it's convenient to have the cleaning lady come do it if: 1) you're disorganized, 2) too busy, or 3) have no desire at all to learn how to clean. As for Lexington Law Firm, I was a client for several months before I got into the swing of learning my own credit repair tactics. They got several good deletions for me as well. Unlike Junum, they tend not to overbill or dispute positive accounts, etc. I like them. Doc
Thank you so much for the replies. It is just that I read it is easy to dispute items, but getting them removed is a whole different story. I have gotten myself into a corner, and looking at my credit mess, I am starting to panic. I thought that if Lexington Law Firm can handle this for me for only $35 a month, then that is very affordable and well worth not getting the headache of doing it myself. Your both saying that they are legit and actually do what they say they can do makes my feel better about it. I have no idea about how to go about getting a voluntary repo, or charge off's completly removed. Apparantly they can do this. They seem very honest in their advertising. Thanks Again Deputy
If I were you I'd keep reading here and do it myself. Theres loads of info here that can help you. Now granted I just tried my 1st dispute and screwed it up royally, but at least I did it and I'll learn from my mistakes. You to can do the same. I think that somehow when you invest time and effort into something like this for yourself, ultimately you will gain all the knowledge and power needed to constantly assure yourself that your credit is corrected to your satisfaction, not that of an outside company.
I used Lexington for about 1 year and I was very happy with the results....they were able to delete many items from all three CRAs. I cancelled my membership after I found out about this board..if you have time and would like to do it yourself, then read this board and use the search features.
I recently enrolled to the program. Based on feedback I received from this forum, I decided to give them a year to better my credit score. I would try to do it myself, but it requires time that unfortunately, I don't have alot of.
Thank you all for the input. Unfortunatly I do not have a lot of time to do this myself. I have gone ahead and signed up for Lexingtons services (much to the dismay of my wife). If you are currently with Lexington Law Firm, please e-mail me and let me know the pro's & con's. you have experienced. Thanks again Deputy
Just an FYI--- I was so happy with their service, I referred at least 5 friends to Lexington. They credited me the $35 monthly I saved some money.
I was with Lexington for just under a year. I was very pleased with their results. They didn't get everything taken care of, but they definately helped get me started. I let them do their thing while I studied on this board, and now I'm in full swing on my own. DB
The only thing about Lexington that scares me: Their website makes their claims about how many deletions they've gotten. The problem is the fact that the data they list is a few years old - I'd like to see more recent figures.
Deputy, In my opinion they are a waste of time and your money, in my experience in dealing with firms such as these all they do is spam dispute till they catch the CRA's in a mistake. "They primarily deal only with CRA's and not the Original Creditors or Collection Agencies themselves". 1) Order your credit reports from each CRA online print out a copy of each. 2) Start-off by disputing account online as not mines or never late whichever fits your situation. Do no more than 3 disputes per report at a time. 3) Wait for your results, you'll either be notified by email to view the results online or they'll send the results by mail. 4) Examine(compare to first report) your results, ask away on this great board on what steps to take next. The advice is great here and it's FREE!! It's not as time consuming as you may think, all it is mainly is a waiting game(waiting for there response) this process only takes about 15-20mins of your own time I'm sure you can spare that. 5) If you "Really" feel your incapable of doing this and feel the need to hire someone experienced todo this for you then I would highly suggest you try Christine over at, She is very informative and a great person to deal with. She'll keep in complete contact with you aswell as provide you with copies of the disputes that go out(unlike lexington keeps you in the dark, no communication and does not provide you copies of disputes).Also Christine does not mail or fax anything out without your consent first. If you have any more question regarding her services go over to forum and ask away or contact her via email she replies fairly quickly. 6) Other than that I would honestly tell you to try it yourself first, you may... like some others find this tobe kinda fun and challenging "Careful Creditnet can be Hazzardous to your health in a good way heh". Hope this helps you start-off in the right direction, then again I'm no expert and you may seek a second opinion Takecare and Goodluck Kinetix
I worked with them, they helped my report tremendously, but they are a pain in the butt. They sent me cancellation notices when they had my payment information. They need to be more organized. I gave them my checking information three times and they never took my payment saying the bank declined it, i call the bank and they tell me they were never sent payment from lexington. I ended up getting several payments for fre because of my hassles, when i called to straighten everything out, they had a mastercard listed on my account! i never had/have a mastercard. By the third round they were disputing the same items over and over again and screwing stuff up. I had accounts that should come off my report a certain date and they decided to open the item back up and investigate that and ti will now be on my credit report 18 months longer than expected. So they decided to do that instead of targeting the things that were hurting my credit the most!
I'm glad that some people have had good experience with Lexington, but the overwhelming advice I got was stay away. I have heard of them disputing positives. I have also heard that they use a few unvarying letters, and that it has sometimes happened that those letters contain information that contradicts your actual situation. And almost everyone complains that they won't share the letters they're sending on your behalf with you, which can make it difficult if you later decide to fire them and try to sort things out yourself. For more info, I'd suggest doing a search for "Lexington" and going back a few screens. Good Luck!
In addition, if you manage a tradeline deletion or update, they will take credit for it when they email the Attorney Review. Bottom line: I was pleased with the results of "our" labor. CardKid