I have gotten great help on this board, so please, GIVE ME YOUR OPINION AND HELP! Can anyone help me with the addresses of the legal department of the three CRAs any of you might have SUCCESSFULLY dealt with during your "intent to sue" stages and after filing the lawsuits? I am ready to file against all three of them in the first week of April but I want to send them an "Intent to Sue" letter this week. Do you have a fax and / or address for each CRA? If you have an attorney or contact person with the CRA, that would be even better. BTW, I don't know how strong my cases are but let me give you my summary: 1)Equifax a) Verified an account as "included in Chapter 7". I have never file chapter 7 and I re-disputed with Equifax but they verified again. b) Failed to provide a proper "procedure" process (other than the general letter). c) Re-inserted an account without 5-day notice. 2)Experian a) Added a tradeline listed as "reported since 10-01". However, I have reports showing the account didn't show in my reports until MARCH 2002. b) Failed to provide a proper "procedure" process. c) Refused to investigate disputes after I disputed two time in the previous 6 months. 3) TransUnion a) Failed to provide a proper "procedure" process. b) Refused to investigate disputes by claiming the account has been previously disputed. Any comments will be GREATLY appreciated. Sini
I think your cases are good. I don't have the addresses you use to file, but those who do will post them when they read your question, I'm sure.
LKH: I will call my secretary of state tomorrow but in the meantime, I want to send a letter to each CRA's LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Are you suggesting to just mail / fax to the "intent to sue" to the authorized agent? Thanks! Sini
Here's what I have...got this somewhere, but don't recall where. Maybe Christine's site. Patricia Norris Senior Paralegal at TransUnion email: pnorris@transunion.com Fax: 312-466-7986 Don Richman Consumer office at TU email: drichman@transunion.com Harry Gambil CEO TU email hgambill@transunion.com Legal Counsel for TU Satzberg, Trichon, Kogan & Weertheimer, P.C. 1818 Market St. 30th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103 Ph 215-575-7600 Fax 215-575-7640 Equifax Thomas Chapman, CEO email Tom.Chapman@equifax.com Bob Cutrone VP of Consumer Affairs email Bob.Cutrone@equifax.com Robin Hollan & Vicki Banks Consumer Affairs email robin.holland@equifax.com vicki.banks@equifax.com Experian Carla Blair Specialist of Consumer Affairs 972-390-4010 direct line 800-322-3162 ext 4010 972-390-1680 fax Hope this helps. L