This may be a stupid question..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hello, Mar 20, 2002.

  1. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    ...but can you pay for a down payment on a car with a credit card? I want to earn points on my credit card rather than just paying with a check. Will the dealer charge me more if I'm using a credit card?
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Yup...put a J$2,500 down payment on a credit card a couple of months ago, but got it back when they tried to gouge me with the interest rates.

  3. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Yep, put my down payment on mt Citi AA card back in Jan.
  4. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Yes, and if there's a problem with your car, the CC's legal dept goes to work on your case on your side for once.

  5. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    So should you NOT mention using a credit card until the deal is basically done so they won't try to jack up the price or interest rate? What is the best way to do it?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  7. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    and you should also not mention a trade-in until you've agreed on a price.

    a good negotiating technique.......


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    They have a parts department, repair department, rental cars...they all take credit cards...SO WHY NOT PAY YOUR CAR WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD???

    They can give you some "IT'S ILLEGAL" scam...then you can WALK to the dealer next door!!!
  9. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    Need to mention this part as well.

    The Dealer will take the credit card, but don't let them pass the charge to you.

    I.E. Visa/MC charges merchants 1.5% for each purchase, so the dealer may try to scam you by saying "Well, this $3000 charge on the card is going to cost me $450 so I have to add it to the final price."

    Only reason I mention this is because a dealer tried to scam my mother with this tactic. Fortunately, she didn't fall for it...

  10. ggb

    ggb Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. In most states, it's illegal for a merchant to pass cc surcharges on to a consumer. They can offer a discount for cash, but they cannot add to a price if you use a cc.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Wish I knew it then

    Wish I had known that a month ago. I could be riding pretty right now :)
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Wish I knew it then

    IT VIOLATES VISA/MC POLICY (to add a fee to use the credit card), and is ILLEGAL in many states!!!!

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