Last October my TU score was 536. I began cleaning my credit in December. But I found out today that my TU score is now 510. Can someone tell me why my score has dropped 26 points? I haven't had any inquiries on my TU account since October. I did have one 30-day late payment to a Capitol One cc in November, and I've about maxed out my $200 dollar credit limit on that card (it's the only one I have). But at the same time, here is what I've been able to remove since December: Trans Union-- deleted: $8,239 1st of America (credit card charge-off) deleted: $8,239 National City Card (collection account) deleted: $1,846 HB/BestBuy (credit card charge-off) deleted: $4,386 Bank One Texas (credit card charge-off) deleted: $2,509 Asta Funding (collection account) deleted: $0,632 Montgomery Ward/MWCC (credit card charge-off) deleted: $0,632 Midland Credit (collection account / Mont Ward) deleted: $5,883 First USA Bank (credit card charge-off) verified: $4,010 Security Service FCU (verified after 75 days!!!) And here are new items that have appeared on the TU file since October: credit store $0, 322 palisades collection $2,509 collct for Bank One (removed above) asset acceptance $12,115 collection for Natl City as removed above (this account unrated) crdt mgt $0, 335 colct acct (paid original creditor 12/01) So far, that's over $32,000 of negative accounts deleted from my files, but my score has dropped by 26 points. #@%*&~?%$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can someone explain why? And can someone tell me whether the newly added "unrated" Asset Acceptance collection account of $12,115 lowers my score?
I honestly believe an "unrated" account has no effect on your scores. My DH just had an unrated repo removed from his reports and his score didn't budge! Your score dropped because of the Cap One late pay in November. PFB Cap one and give them some sob story, "I was out of town and screwed up my automatic payment" whatever. Ask them to do a goodwill adjustment. I am assuming this is the first time you were late with them and have had the account for at least 6 months. If not, then you may want to wait on the goodwill adjustment.
Pay that off and I bet your score jumps. My fiance has one card (a CapOne with a $300 limit) that was maxed out, and he paid $100 on it last month. His Experian score jumped 22 points. It doesn't matter that you only have $200 out on credit right now -- it matters that it's 100% of your available credit, and that definitely affects your score.
Lizardking: Just out of curiosity, what happens when you pull your TU score from Eloan?? Based on my experience, my TU and Eloan scores have about a 130-point spread. Wondering if it's a similar situation with you.
ASSet Acceptance is known for listing collections as unrated. They did this to me. I have 4 complaints on them with various agencies. My next avenue is to go after them in Michigan. And contact the State of FL Atty Gen. According to Whyspers there a few class action lawsuits against them. He/She has access to Lexis/Nexus. I'm hoping that will get them off my reports. I hate dealing with the CRAs they're as bad as the CAs. But I will file suit if I have to. I have no qualms about going to court! The main reason I am filing complaints is the next time when they get a validation letter/ Estoppel letter they will pay attention and see that a Creditnetter will cause ALOT of grief for them and they will just delete than deal with us.
How old were the accounts that were deleted? A few new accounts can have the same (or worse) impact as many old ones.
The same thing happened to me. That one late payment you just got bombed your score as it did mine! My TU score plummetted from 512 to 450!!!!!!!!!! So 30 DAYS DO HURT!! AND I have had 6 negatives removed since February, and only have 2 inquiries (that are a year old). The negatives were 2-3 years old, and I do have c/o sitting that are 2 years old... The pointy is TU scoring SUCKS and as everyone has mentioned, does not bear much weight!
Why -Simply b/c the fraud called scoring continues to operate. It will never get any better as long as scoring is allowed to continue!
Payoff the card and it should jump some. I found that as I added a new accont mine jumped too. I still have 7 negitives and am about 595. 2 active cards.
Okay. I dropped from 536 to 510 (-26 points) because my $200 credit limit maxed out and I got 1 30-day late. Now, how much will each of these five actions raise my score? 1) Pay off $200 credit card. 2) Get 30-day removed with sob story to Mr. Cooke. 3) Remove paid CA charge-off with "son of nutcase" letter. 4) Get DM cc re-opened with $227 payoff. 5) Open 2nd CAP 1 acct for new positive item. Anyone got any idea how much my score will go up?
Sorry to hear your score went down, mine has too. However, can I ask how you got Wards and 1st USA to remove their accounts? I just had a really ugly discussion with a GE Capital Rep who informed me that he didn't care if I wanted to validate the account, they would not respond nor give me a mailing address. How's that for service? I did not and was not going to discuss the account over the phone - just needed a mailing address. First USA has never responded. These are old accounts and well past the SOL, but not the 7 years. Haven't decided my next step, yet. "sigh..." Any help is so needed at this moment.....
I did not get Wards and 1st USA to remove their listings from my credit report-- I got TU to do it. I sent a dispute letter to TU asking "What's this?" along with the names and acct #s of the Wards and 1st USA listings. TU did their usual bs 30-day investigation and apparently neither lender responded. So the listings were removed from my report. ...nothing like the smell of Cellulose and Oxygen- BurnaDebt
I can only address the "paying off a card" issue. My fiance paid off $100 of his $300 limit card (it was maxed) and his score went up 22 points. But remember it's his only card right now and he only has one 30-day late on a card from several years ago, so I don't know if doing the same thing would affect your own score as much.
If you are asking for a number, no clue. However, I can tell you that newer derogatory information will drag you down, so if your over-the-limit, and "30 day late" are more recent, it will drop your score like a lead balloon. Getting rid of MANY older derogatory listings and then adding only 1 or 2 NEW listings will not get you the jump you expect. In fact even if NEW listings are not added, just deleting MANY older accounts often does nothing to raise your score when you still have derogatory information on there. What are the prime reasons listed for affecting your score? Are they the items you have listed like "Paying down balances" or "Recent negative information"? If so, then you may leap up when these are removed or updated. -Peace, Dave