I am about to fax a letter to a CRA with proof that an account they are reporting is incorrect. The rep I spoke with on the phone said to include my phone number in case they have any questions. If I write in the letter "My phone number is (XXX)XXX-XXXX. Please do not put this information in my credit file as it is a friend's cell phone number." Do you think that would keep them from adding it to my file?? Is there anything that keeps them from adding non-essential info to your file if you specifically request it??
I don't know, but I do know that every time you apply for credit, your phone number might end up being reported and you have to give your phone number when you apply. I don't even care...let them list the time of my birth for all I care...AS LONG AS THEY GET IT RIGHT! (Sorry...Experian decided to change my birthdate all of a sudden..I think they are toying with me now...lol). L
My only concern is collection agencies on my report getting this number. I don't want to start getting collection calls on my cell phone. I also don't want telemarketers to have my cell phone number. (Or my home or work numbers, for that matter.)