RE: Betacredit Acc.# 1234598 Dear BBB person, This letter is in response to your latter dated 3/6/02 in regards to the above referenced matter. Please be advised that AAC is a specialty finance company that purchase various types of consumber accounts receivables in the normal course of their business. The account in question originated with Citibank and was aquired by AAC in August 2000. At that time Citibank represented to AAC that is account was a valid account and that Betacredit was the responsible party. As a debt buyer we rely on the information that is provided to us by the selling creditor, in the case Citibank. When we received the dispute from Betacredit last Dec. we notified the credit bureaus that this account was disputed and ordered the documents supporting this claim form Citibank. Since we are not the original creditor, we have little control over how long Citibank takes to supply us with the requested information. It is our understanding that we should receive these documents in the near future. If Citibank cannot provide us with documentation showing that Betacredit is a responsible party on this account, we will immediately remove her from the account and delete any reference we have made regarding her to the credit bureaus. I hope that this has adqueately addressed the complaint of Betacredit, but if I can be of further assistance, please fell free to contact me. Signed by corporate counsel ************* What do I do now? They verified AGAIN with Equifax. I can't seem to get this off my f*** reports. They lie so much! They purchased this debt from Gulf States. I have been asking for validation since Nov. - another lie! Suggestions are welcome. I have some other complaints pending. I really cannot stand ASSet Acceptance. It is in dispute with all CRAs and unrated but I still want it off. Do I have any ammo. for a lawsuit?
Send them another letter, maybe. Include a copy of the LeFevre-Cass FTC staff opinion letter highlighting the relevant portions and, stressing that they may NOT continue to verify an invalidated account. You can steal a copy of my Complaint, modify it and send it along and let them know that you have documented your case well and the time for games is nearing its end. I would also suggest using some of Pat's letters to Verizon as a guideline...they were really well written. You may have to actually file on them to get their attention. I've noticed they bluff all the way to the end of the line, but when they get sued, suddenly its "oh..uh...uh...<sweet talk I'll never do it again, I love you, I promise....> Just my two cents! L
"specialty finance company" that purchase various types of consumber accounts receivables in the normal course of their business. = COLLECTION AGENCY If it quacks like duck....... Don't put up with that B.S. Have they provided you with any documentation? Like I said in an eariler post, send me an email because I have dealt with them in the past.
Can you help me too?? =) I am still having this problem with Asset Acceptance too. I send them letters and get no response. I've sent estoppel and their deadline is tomorrow. I plan to file suit if necessary but if you have any info that could help me - it would be greatly appreciated! You can email me - Thanks!
Just wondering if anyone has any updates on this? I'm also dealing with Asset right now. The account is listed as disputed on all my credit reports but they still send collection letters (and no validation). I'm not sure what to do about it.
Nothing yet. What you need to do is be tough with this company they are scumbags. What I have done is file complaints with different agencies. I am waiting on results.