Sorry guys I know this is totally unrelated but I'm so frustrated I NEED to vent! I few months ago, hubby was having some trouble with one of the guys he works with (the guy had said something about me and hubby hit the roof- ya know STUPID men stuff-sorry guys!) So hubby says something to the boss along the lines of you need to talk to him or we're gonna have trouble down the road(boss never says a word to him). Now hubby has been with this company almost 3 years and is one of the best employess they've had. Well about 3 wks ago they got into an arguement (not physical just words). Hubby calls me fuming!!!!! So I told him to call the boss and ask if he can be transferred to one of the nearby plants. Well end of story is boss shows up and fires them both! fast forward - hubby finds a new job within a week but can't start for another week plus pay is a week behind so that means NO pay for 2 weeks (which is fine-we can manage) So he started last monday-GREAT! Then Wednesday rolls around.......Hubby now doesn't get home until after 7pm. So we decide to make a quick trip for dinner then pick up a few movies to relax. So we're just leaving the movie store on the main road stopped at a red light with 3 cars in front of us (remember its dark now so everones lights are on plus it is a well lighted area) when all of the sudden CRASH! We were rear ended at 45 MPH(didn't even hit the brakes)! 2 small children in the back seat. Thank god no one was seriously injured! We hit the car in front of us. So now we have just ruined a 7 month old $30,000 car that we just refinanced last month!! The person that hit us was elderly & said they should not have been driving in the first place because they can't see at night!!!!!!! Could it get any worse?????
Geez, Donna...that is horrible! What a nightmare. I'm sorry you are going through all of this It could be a lot worse, but pointing out how isn't going to make you feel any better. If the old guy has insurance, at least you have recourse. Be sure to take everyone to the hospital to get checked out anyway. Many, many times, the soreness and soft tissue injury doesn't even become apparent until 24 to 48 hours AFTER an accident has happened. L
Donna you have your health and each other. I don't see anything wrong with the situation. You're doing quite well compared to alot of people. Count your blessings that nobody was hurt but a piece of metal, and enjoy all the good things that you have... cheer up things will get better...
Donna, I'm sending you a cyber hug. That definitely has been a rough 3 weeks. Good for your husband for sticking up for you. I think the boss should be liable for not listening to his initial complaint. I hope things go smoothly wrt to the insurance settlement.
Thanks for listening and for your support! The children are fine, they were just shaken up quite a bit and that I am greatful for!! I'm just extremely angry over the fact that the person was even on the road to begin with (87 yrs old and clearly not fit to be driving, at night atleast-she said she didn't see us or anyone at the light for that matter). I went to the ER after the scene was cleared. Treated for whiplash/MVA neck/back injury. Man I was sore! I'm still pretty tender now. Waking up in the morning is the worse, I'm so stiff not to mention I keep getting frequent headaches-it really sucks! Again thanks for listening!!
Thank you Marci!!! We did try calling the labor board but they told us FL is a right to work state (meaning they can fire you for any reason or no reason at all) However they are still employing a guy who threated to sit on top of the silo (SP?) and pick of people as they came to work............ And the fact that they have not fired anyone else for verbally arguing......... It doesn't seem fair!
Donna; I STRONGLY urge you to get yourself a GOOD lawyer for the car accident.It may take 1 or 2 years for whiplash injuries to fully develop. DON'T sign any settlement from "old senile's"insurance. Since you are on this board,I can assume you are not rich--this may, painful as it has been,eventually turn your financial life around for the better.
I had a similare situation - got hit head on by an old guy in his 80's who should not have been driving. The pain got worse after a few days. It got worse over the first year. Eventually I lost most of the feeling in my left side. Bottom line is that I had serious surgery - cost over $70,000. I lost over two years of work. Eventually it cost me my job. I had to sue. Even though there was no question of liability (he was on the wrong side of the road), his insurance company had a policy of not paying anything unless you sued. DO not talk to his insurance company under any circumstances. They pretend to be your friend, then they lie about what you said. Just tell him you will not talk with him on the phone. They are a lot like collection agencies. Start keeping a journal of how you feel each day and what doctors you see. If you sue, it will take years and it will be nice to have notes to refresh your memory. It will get better. I am finally back on my feet. If you want, email me and let me know who his insurer is. I will let you know if it the people I dealt with.
Thanks! I do have an appointment with an attorney today. Thomas-you'll have to e-mail me or turn on your e-mail )
Dear Donna, I'm so relieved that after everything you guys are alive. Bad as it is, it could have been worse, so focus on getting better! You've gotten some great advice so far, and don't let the age of the driver soften you up. It's a widely known fact the very young & the very old are the riskiest drivers, but due to the elderly's voting power, politicians are reluctant to restrict their driving privileges. I'm all for the independence of the elderly, but not when it puts them & others at risk. 5 years ago, after a hit & run driver totaled my car & a 2nd accident damaged the car I bought to replace it 3 weeks later, my brother in law gave me the advice you can use now: "The car is replaceable, you're not."
Glad you're Ok. You mentioned kids in the car. Just a thought, if they were of an age to use car seats, make sure your insurance company replaces the seats as they are not rated for multiple impacts. You may have to argue a bit, but they'll cave. Good Luck. Dancer
...Somebody also suggested to someone I work with to have the insurance company replace ALL the seat belts...NOT RATED FOR MULTIPLE ACCIDENTS EITHER...
To preserve your right to sue later, you must send a notice to the driver within 30 days of the accident (in our state that's the time limit). Mine was very simple: no real details... just As you are aware, on xx date your car struck the back of our car on xx road at xx time. You were cited for xxx. Please be advised there are personal property damages and personal injuries, the extent of which are not fully know. or something like that. get a good atty. they should take NOTHING from the personal property portion of the claim, and will ave take 30% of the personal injury claim (40 if it goes to trial)... If you go ahead and get an atty asap, the atty will draft the notice. I sent mine to the driver, her insurance company, her employer (she was in a work related rental car), the rental car company, their parent company, and my insurance company in case of no or not adequate insurance (mine would kick in for uninsured)... anyway, find out what has to happen to preserve your right to sue. I had a major accident (her fault) in Nov and I just now am getting a check for my total loss car... the whole process sucks. Keep making your car payments, get a rental car, keep all your receipts for EVERYTHING... and start logging your injuries every day. It'll help your doctor and your lawyer later... trust me, every day: you, your kids. glad you're ok. You'll be sore for longer than you think you will be. My neck swelled so much I had a hoarse voice and had to go to 2 hospitals at different times for treatment... sucked
A good lawyer will make sure your car is repaired right away, BUT if you were rear ended you may want to "total out" the car. I didn't, got a whole new back end, bumpers etc. BUT my electrical got so messed up I had to get rid of the car anyway(especially if you had a wagon) And yes, whiplash gave me such severe laryngitis I had to have cards printed to hand out to say I couldn't talk.My case took 3 & 1/2 years to settle, glad it did, most of my serious injuries didn't show up until over 18 months later.
So glad you were all ok and not seriously injured. It sounds like things have been rough for your family, but the car and jobs can be and your family cannot (I know this too well--we are in Texas and had a tree fall on our house during last Tuesday's or's stressful to deal with something like that, but it could have been so much worse). Sending cyber hugs...hang in there and take care. Mirabelle
Thanks guys! You've been such a help! I want to apologize if I've upset anyone posting this on the board-being unrelated to credit and all. Tell me I don't have the luck! Went to the attorney appointment yesterday.....the lawyer wasn't there (family emergency) had to reschedule. Went to the DR. today and found out Hubby's employer cancelled our health insurance the day after he was fired and they won't bill either auto insurance company-had to pay out of pocket!!WTF! I know I will eventually be reimbursed but this sucks! I always thought you had 30 days for the insurance to lapse? (His former employer actually owns the health insurance company also but I didn't think that would make any difference)
Nope, no notice of any kind on the health insurance My ins company said I can do it 2 ways put the claim into my company, pay my deductibles and 20% of medical expenses then they would go after their insurance company for it. or just put the claim into their insurance company and they would pay 100% of everything plus a car rental
Get your lawyer's advice on that. Check with Dept. of Ins. on lack of COBRA notice, file complaint, perhaps your lawyer would like to take on your husband's ex boss for violating Fed. law on COBRA and insurance portability notice.