Let me TRY to list all of the violations they have done 1) Ignored Validation leter #1 2) Ignored Validation letter #2 3) Continued collectio activty ispite CCRR validation letters 4) Contined to do a hard inquiry EVERY month while in dispute 5) Provided false information to EQ by claiming "cannot locte consumer" I think that is it He is willing to do it on a contigency basis in small claims court.
1* ditto 2* ditto 3* still on report! 4* YEP 5* ditto - if they can't "locate me" after I sent them 2 validation letters... they MUST be complete morons.
Hmmmmm..That is odd..He absolutly said he would take the case. Also my mom just won a small claims court case and she used him also?? Is it different in NY? Do I not need him? I have not signed a contract yet. My mom did -he got her $1250 on a fraud charge off a auto repair shop ad he only took $250
My hubby sued someone in small claims in NYC. He didn't have a lawyer there, but others did. Our attorneys also go to small claims from time to time. L
I was just going by PEOPLE'S COURT...I thought they said that NO ATTORNEYS were allowed... I could be wrong... 20% sounds reasonable..."AMBULANCE CHASERS" have been known to get 50% or more.
My state you are allowed to have an attorney represent you in small claims. It's just that their legal mumbo jumbo means squat in Small Claims court!
Since you are entitled to collect legal costs besides the $1,000. if you found someone to do it--HOORAY!
he will get attorney fees if you win and the court can determine the amount per hour. I have seen some lawyers get 150 an hour in state court to 250 an hour in federal court. So I see why he would take the case.
Is he taking it on contingency or fee based? Contingency he will ask for about 33% of whatever you end up with (including attorney fees calculated in). He will make more that way. So he will sue for $1300 and then take 1/3 of that - makes a little more than just being paid attorney fees.
I was just going by PEOPLE'S COURT...I thought they said that NO ATTORNEYS were allowed... I could be wrong... 20% sounds reasonable..."AMBULANCE CHASERS" have been known to get 50% or more...
I was just going by PEOPLE'S COURT...I thought they said that NO ATTORNEYS were allowed... I could be wrong... 20% sounds reasonable..."AMBULANCE CHASERS" have been known to get 50% or more... I TRIED TO POST THIS LIKE 10 TIMES....CYBER-SPACE ATE IT AGAIN & AGAIN...
I was just going by PEOPLE'S COURT...I thought they said that NO ATTORNEYS were allowed... I could be wrong... 20% sounds reasonable..."AMBULANCE CHASERS" have been known to get 50% or m
We got it, George. You were just going by People's Court, and you could be wrong, plus ambulance chasers have been known to get 50% or more. Doc P.S. Don't go by People's Court.