I have been trying to get a correct address on an original creditor being reported on Equifax for some time now. I sent the first letter out, CRRR. It comes back...not deliverable as addressed. I call Equifax. They give me another address. Again, do the CRRR thing. Again, it comes back. You would think third time would be the charm, right? I called EQ again and they gave me a different address. Once again...CRRR and today it came back to me again stamped "not deliverable as addressed". Persistent person that I am, I call up EQ and say blah, blah blah, and am told sorry..that is the only two addresses we have. What???? So they give me an 800 number that turns out to be a fax number. It could be anyone's fax number. I asked the rep how they verified the account was mine if they don't even have these people's address and she said they verify by tape. Now what? Not ready to file on them, so any other suggestions in the interim? Thanks! L
I've seen a couple of discussions on this "tape". What exactly is it? How do they verify by the tape? Is there an instant replay??
What they told you is pure b.s. The monthly updates are done by tape. The verifications are done by mailing out a card for the creditor or ca to fill out and send back. I would suggest that they have never verified this. I would send them a procedural request including the name, address and ph # of who verified it. If they send you more incorrect info, I would call their legal office and demand they remove it before you file.
Its something called Heilig Meyers? I found out this is a furniture store but have never bought anything there, let alone financed something there. LKH, I send them a procedural request with every letter. On the one where they verified this account, they gave me an address and a phone number. The address was one of the ones that was returned to me as undeliverable. The phone number is a fax number and could be to anyone, so no way I'm faxing something with my SSN on it. Anyone have the number for their legal department? Thanks, L
Here's what I did. I sent an email to Vicki Banks and Robin Holland and let them know what was going on and told them that I have letters from two companies stating they were never contacted while EQ was saying they verified the accounts as mine an now this. I said that it appears that EQ isn't investigating at all and went on to say I felt the situation could be resolved without litigation and delete the tradeline. I'm not holding my breath, by man, this EQ folder is getting thicker by the minute! I'm going to have one doosie of a lawsuit if it ever comes to that. L
Helig Meyers is out of business completly even shut down their main offices. Had a friend that worked at one of the stores and they did not even get their last commission checks. The former employees can not even get information to get in touch with them so how can the CRA be verifing anything. rdburt
Holy cow! No wonder the addresses are no good! Thank you so much for posting this information. This is excellent news! L
Hi i have a account that they also have went out of busniess and it keeps getting verified, I called the cra also equifax and was told once that every thing is stored on tape and that was how it was verified and another cra told me they have a special person that goes out and verifys these things , they are so full of BULL$hit,
Okay...the tape thing...this is done by computer. Most companies report by uploading tape media to the CRAs. No paperwork changes hands. There are several software packages you can find on the net for this sort of thing. I ran across one site that recommended what packages to use for what credit bureaus. Anyway...the more I hear, the more I think I'm piecing together what is happening. You know that caselaw I posted a while back that said that if the CRA has knowledge of a dispute between the consumer and the creditor, they must go beyond their original source? I believe the original source is the tape media and I think its very possible that on a first dispute, they likely never go beyond checking that tape. That sure would explain a lot. L
thats exactly what the rep told me a couple of weeks ago..said we could prolly c lear this up w ith one phone call but were not allowed to all verif is done b y tape and i f the tape is wrong it will keep getting verified. When I pointed out their responsibility to only report accurate info she said its up to furnishers so get the furnisher t o c hange the tape or it will keep being verified.thats how equifax can "verify" everything
Interesting...very... Could you please point me in the direction of that caselaw? I see a way to deal with this...