Kmart/CapOne increase?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by laurie33, Mar 26, 2002.

  1. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    I've had this card for over a year and a half and they still won't increase my limit from an embarassing $200. Any suggestions? I keep getting pre-approved offers from them for other cards but don't want to pay the annual fee. Thanks!
  2. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Go to and write a letter to Capital One Financial expressing your concerns. As long as your account is in good standing and never late or over the limit they should be able to grant you a credit limit increase.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Would you be in a position to buy $500 in one day on the card?
    Tell them you are embarassed that you can't buy something you want for $500 +/- on that card...ask them if they really expect you to send in a check for $300 more than you owe so you can buy something for $500 or send $800 so you can spend $1,000???

    What is your LOWEST credit limit???

    STATE FARM tried to give me the "TOY" card...I told them it was a JOKE to expect me to accept a credit limit that is 80% LOWER THAN MY LOWEST!!!
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You can also try a BT (although they have a pretty high rate for that). I received a $200 increase after having the card three or four months because I did a BT.

  5. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    you don't have to have a high interest rate for balance transfers.

    after you discuss a line increase with them, discuss an interest rate reduction. Ask for it to be applied also to the balance transfer.

    If you have a regular or gold card, I believe you only have purchases, cash advance, and maybe special purchases (3 sections)... ask how a balance transfer would be processed... as a purchase or as a special purchase...

    they'll even take the cash advance rate down a bit, but not as much as purchases. Given that Cap1 doesn't charge a bt fee, the deal is pretty good really.

    You can also ask about an annual fee reduction... I've had them do all 3 at once. Never hurts to ask, the worst you'll get is a no, this time. try again in 7 mos...

    you get the idea. Keep at them and you'll get good rates. I bugged them for 1 1/2 every month, and now I have Plat 8.9 cards (and my credit stunk when I started).
  6. laurie33

    laurie33 Well-Known Member

    I called again before doing anything else, just to see and they gave me a $100 increase LOL. This is actually my only "real" credit card, I have a Marshall Fields/Target with a limit of $2100 also but no other cards. We are applying for a mortgage soon so I don't really want to apply for more cards right now and probably couldn't get them anyway. Thanks for the responses!
  7. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    use your card to the limit and pay it off the next day. Then PFB Capone. I had the same problem with them last year.

    . They just gave me the KMart card with a funky 500 dollar limit. I called before I activated it and got a 1000 bump due to my excellent payment history on other cards.

    ask , then ask again. You may be pleasantly surprised!

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