Have Bk...Need Credit Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by topazmoon, Mar 22, 2002.

  1. topazmoon

    topazmoon Well-Known Member

    Now that FCNB is looking a bit shaky, I need names of credit card companies where I can apply for a card. I included Cap One, MBNA and Providian in my bk so they're off the list. I just got an offer from First Premier, but I have a problem with all the fees esp the monthly fee.

    I know CCB is the considered the "sewer" of credit cards, but how about Direct Merchant Bank, First Bank of Marin, Orchard, American Pacific?? I'd like to find a card that's pretty good with credit limit increases, has half decent customer service and doesn't demand a pound of flesh in interest rates.

    Thanks in advance!!

    BK discharged 3/11/02
    EQ 652
    TU 627
    EX 612
  2. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    I would definitely go for American Pacific. I had them some years ago and they were pretty good. Btw, for just having a discharge your scores are pretty damn good. You shouldn't have a problem unless a cc company wants you to be discharged for some certain amount of time.
  3. ch7newbie

    ch7newbie Member

    My ch 7 was discharged in february, I just got an Orchard card, and my scores are range from 507-599.

    why do you say FCNB is shaky? I was thinking of getting that one?
  4. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    FCNB's currently looking for a buyer, and it appears that they're not accepting any new applications (at least not from their website).

  5. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member

    Who is American Pacific and why are the considered good? Any links to info. on them?

    Just curious...

    DB :)
  6. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    I have American Pacific, and they are not bad, they also do secured business accounts, FYI.

    As far as other secured accounts, have you tried your local bank? Many of the big banks have secured cards. And you can get unsecured cards through your credit union, at least I did, 4 years after a BK.
  7. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    It's www.apbank.com, I think. No experience with them myself, but I've ready many posts by others who've had overall good experiences with them.

  8. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    I only tried for Providian and Orchard.

    I know you said Providian is out, but I have had no problems with Orchard. I pay my bill online, it's never been a problem and i get my statements regularly. I haven't had any increases or tried to get my rate lowered, I just figured I'd wait a year and then try. No matter what I'll probably keep it, it's decent, and right now I'm perfectly happy with my baby limit. I mainly want it to rebuild and as an aged credit line down the road.

    I couldn't believe some of the outrageous fees that ones like CCB and others charge. I think even post bk people don't deserve that. Hubby's scores are in the 600's too and got a pre approved offer from DM. Denied due to the bk. Go figure.

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