Here's a web exercise "just for fun"... (Remember back in grade school when a teacher would give an "exercise" which was "just for fun" it would invariably be several pages of long division?) Anyway, just for fun... Step One: Go to Step Two: Notice the weird message. Step Three: Look at the page's SOURCE CODE. (For those among us who aren't technical, right-click in the middle of the page, then select the item that says "source" or "view source" or something like that.) Step Four: Tell me, what in the hell do they mean by those cryptic little secret messages "We'll be back" and "Everything has it's time," etc.? I have a sinking feeling that Cobaltcard was run by a bunch of weirdos. Doc
Teen Card (3/28/02) FULL STORY: As teen payment cards struggle to catch on, Citibank this week launched a prepaid MasterCard aimed at students between 13 and 18 years of age. The Citi Cash Card for Students will carry a $25 annual fee and a $1.50 per transaction load-fee. However, the load fees will be waived if a Citibank debit or credit card, or a Citibank checking or savings account is used to replenish the card. The account can be monitored in real-time via a special Web site, which is accessible by parents and students. The card can be used at all MasterCard locations, including ATMs. Students under sixteen require a parent or other adult to apply for them and load money onto the card. VISA launched the prepaid VISA Buxx card in August 2000. To-date, six national issuers offer the VISA product including Bank of America, First Tennessee, First Union, National City, US Bank, and Wachovia. The issuers of the VISA Buxx charge annual fees up to $15.00 and load fees ranging from $1.00 to $2.50. To apply for the Citi Cash Card for Students, visit (news)
Do a search on Zowi Corp. I found a couple of articles that said that Cobalt was taken off the market because Zowi Corp folded. Maybe they plan on reorganizing. I stared at the picture a long time and no monsters popped up to scare me
There is a similar card with Visa on it called the everyday funds card, and you don't have to be a teen to get it.
Interesting articles, breeze! LOL re monsters. Cathy, you didn't have to be a teen to get the Cobaltcard either. (Or the VISAbuxx cards, for that matter). Although some of these cards are marketed toward teens, there's no law that says adults can't acquire them and benefit from their use. I was really bummed when Cobaltcard folded. It was a fun card to use. Nobody had ever seen the card, so it always got serious compliments. Plus it was far more attractive than any other card I'd seen, imho. Doc
Then why is it that when I've tried for a visa buxx card, it told me the teen info must be filled in (tried this with a few banks offering) then when I used my same info for both the adult and teen, it wouldn't allow it either? I would have prefered one with the bank that I bank with, but they wouldn't let me because I wasn't a teen. Any ideas?
I put a fake name into the visa buxx system and a phony ss#. Then the card was processed and sent to me. I have used for 6 months now with no problems. Probably a felony to put a phony ss# into the system so I would check it out first.
Also, with the everyday funds card you can make PIN transactions through interlink when nessary. What's funny is that when I go to a particular gas station it refuses to be recognized as other then a PIN # debit card (it won't read as visa) but it will everywhere else. Thought that was strange
Thought I'd add another "Cobalt Card" to the list... The ChexCard MasterCard (no affiliation with Chex Systems) advertises No Annual Fee, No Monthly Fee, No Credit Checks, No Turndowns, No Checking Acct. Required, No SSN Required (they don't even ask for one on the app). Here's how their fees stack up against Citi's: Annual fee - Citi Cash Card $25, ChexCard $0 Point-of-sale trans. fee - Citi $0, Chex $.75 Load fee - Citi $1.50 (waived if using another Citi account), Chex $1 ATM fee - Citi $1.50, Chex $2 Replacement card - Citi $10, Chex $12.50 wajaba referral fee - Citi $0, Chex $50 (KIDDING! I KID!) Also, the Citi Cash Card app indeed asks for your SSN, and approval can take up to 30 days, according to the Terms and Conditions. The ChexCard approval supposedly takes 5 minutes with minimal information, but the whole thing looks...I be the judge. wajaba
Moneygram locations only take cash - you can't load it with a credit card, and it appears you can't load it online.
So are you saying with the ChexCard any purchase you make you are charged .75? Is that what I am understanding?
Yep, it looks like any transaction (except for ATM withdrawals or other transactions that impose a separate fee) costs you $.75 just for the pleasure of using their card. wajaba
which bank is it issued by? I need to get a prepaid credit card for someone without a social security ( reason, she is not in the states )
A lot of the card companies have re-loadable gift cards. Try a little search on google and see what comes up.
Get $20 free with your first $10 deposit and a waiver for your first years annual fee here: You don't have to be a "student" or teen to get this card. Also, the load fee and overdraft fee are gone. I got my card in less then 7 days. Loading using a credit card shows up as a purchase on your credit card statement. Offer good till 12/31/02